Aplos Riverside

Moladion’s powerful, winding river...
Aplos River is a broad, slow-moving river originating from somewhere beneath the mountains of Spirane and feeding Iromar’s moors in the south. The northern parts of the river are known for their strong currents, with the water becoming slow moving in the south. The riverbanks vary along its course, ranging from soft hummock grasses to small groups of pine, and sometimes nothing but pebbles and sand. Crossing can be difficult at times, but it can be swam or bridged by fallen trees or boulders alike.

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The winter had been cold and harsh, so far. Despite nature's attempts to cover it, blood still stained the dirt where her mother had been killed. Getting a full night's sleep seemed to be a luxury, now, and Vasily seemed to be slipped further and further into the comfortable embrace of madness; it was a terrible thing, to be rational, and she wished sometimes that she could simply let her body keep living while her mind ceased to exist. Suicide, naturally, wasn't an option. She wouldn't further wrench the hearts of her family with another death, and her continuing onwards was justice to Eleanor's memory. As were the children that she left behind.

Vasily watched Indigo sniff around the banks of the river, occasionally batting a paw into the half-frozen water, but making no true attempt to play. She had no idea what to do with the pair. They had been forced to grow up far too quickly, forced to understand things that their minds simply were not ready for. And the girl in front of her couldn't even bring her thoughts into words, just snaps and growls and whines. Vasily slid down onto her stomach, letting the snow cool her fur, the frigid breeze from the moors ruffling her fur. She came to the riverside often, it had been one of Eleanor's favorites places while she was still alive. She could still conjure up the memory of her mother sunning herself on the banks, but as soon as she realized her mother's face was beginning to grow murky in her memory, her heart was gripped with steel claws and she felt like she couldn't breath.

The world spun for a moment, but she was able to bring it back under control, though her tongue lolled out of her mouth like she'd just run a mile. Her attention was brought back to the present, away from memories of unseeing eyes and bloodied throats, when there was a yelp from the riverside. "Indigo!" She called, rising to her feet. "Shit." Vasily trotted swiftly to the banks, fearing that her sister had already been carried away by the snowfed river- but, no. A freshwater crab had latched onto the girl's paw, likely getting sick of her messing with it and retaliating.

"Figure it out." She grumbled, earning a hard glare from the girl, before returning to her place higher up on the banks.

three | iromar | no heart | myrhh's soul


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