Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

the cure for anything is salt water- sweat, tears, or the sea

I still couldn't believe we'd lost our home. I mean, sure I hadn't been there as long as some of older members, but I had been born in that den, and it hurt knowing my first home was gone. I didn't know where mom and dad decided to set up shop for the mean time, so until then, I would plan on wandering, just about anywhere I could. My dark coat blended into the thick woods easily, while my pale green eyes stood out like beacons in the trees.

I was oblivious to anything in that moment, especially others that were in the woods, because lets face it, my mind was on other...more important things. Trying to decide where I was going to make my home, or if I was going to spend longer with my parents. It was a hard situation to conflate around, because lets face it, who really wants to leave home earlier than they should? Maybe it was more I was too attached to my family.

His voice broke me from my thoughts, and I jumped, ever so slightly at the sudden voice. A coy grin lit across my features and I looked to the side at him. "When are we ever truly alone in this world? Any given time or place...There are more there than meets the eye." the words fall like silk from my lips, and I wonder to myself what his plan was, because lets face it, I can never meet anyone and not start making fanciful ideas. Blame it on the fairytale love my parents have.

Looking at the boy before me, I wondered what his life had been like. He seemed around my age, maybe a little older, and that was expected, I had rarely run into others close to my age anyway.


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