A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


A Handmaiden’s Tale [ open ]

It had taken a lot of time to become accustomed to her new body. Though many vargs in and around Blossom Forest had found themselves transformed by the new surges of magic, none had been quite as affected as Olya had been, though to be fair, Olya had not come across most of them yet in her travels considering she had not been travelling at all. There were those of the bloodline of the Tyrells – the Drysthdig, one of the lines of Tempests that had abandoned their homeland generations ago. Violence and anger had awoken within them, and sure, they had undergone a painful change which changed the coloration of their iris and had new abilities… but they largely still looked like themselves. There were the vampires, which underwent the exact same change, despite the color choice being red instead of blue, and having different abilities… though to be fair they also had their elongated canines. And then, there were the rainbows – uniquely painted pelts to be sure but it was their own individual sense of normal. That left only the mutants, a group that Olya now belonged to even without her knowledge of the others. It was perhaps this group of wolves who had the most changed to their appearance – instead of simply a different eye color, they had the addition of a conjoined evolution in which either the scales of a snake, the feathers of a bird, or the antlers of a cloven animal grew upon their body. Olya was of the Avian persuasion… but her mutation was a step beyond even that. Before the feathers had grown, she had been touched with magic that changed her very DNA, affecting all of her. Her tall stilts had shortened, her lithe body had become stouter, her coloration had shifted slightly… until she was no longer a kalak, no longer a member of maned wolf society, but instead was an Ethiopian wolf.

Surprisingly enough, even though that was the greater and more obtrusive of transformations, it had been the one that she had been more okay with. After all, she had no loving or tender memories from her puphood – there was only torture and pain and fear. Siku had offered her a new life, had offered her her freedom… but this truly freed her. Olya would never be able to rid herself of those dreadful memories, but they would at least serve as lessons for surviving in the future… but at least now she was no longer part of the society that she hated with every ounce of her being. The only light in the community had been her mistress, but she was dead now… either dead or so far gone from these lands as to never be able to return. But Olya no longer looked like herself – even the scar of her brand – a sign of her being Farant’s property - was gone, shed when she had painfully turned into this new breed of wolf. The only thing still the same was her eyes – the palest blue, that of a sky right before a storm rolled in. Luckily, Siku still had recognized her after a moment’s hesitation, likely catching onto her perfume… but that had been months ago.

The feathers, however, had been more recent. Olya had found their presence irritation, and she had for a long time felt on edge. They were awkward and affected her movement, catching the wind more than her fur did, and were more easily ruffled. But as the first snows settled in, so did she – she had finally come to accept that they were there to stay, she had noticed the beautiful color starting fall from her dorsum. At first it was just one, but by the day’s end, her entire back was bare, and beneath it was her normal fur – thinned and short, but coming back. Olya nearly cried in joy – perhaps this was the end of the ridiculous plumage coursing across her spine… but whether it was or not would be seen as time went by. For now at least she wanted to cleanse herself of the tiny strands of feather that had become caught in her normal pelt. And, for the first time since she mutated, she decided to leave the packlands. Her body stayed low enough to the earth for the fresh powder to dust her belly, and each step was accompanied by a skittering of her gaze from one side to the other. Olya had become comfortable within the borders of Graes Waegholm, but out here? Every tree was potentially a hiding space for a predator to attack from, or to hold some other danger. With her hesitation, the going was slow, enough so that she had to hide out in a makeshift den before ever making it to her destination of the cascades. It felt good to get out and stretch, but it also terrified her, and she had to grit her teeth and really focus to convince herself to continue on instead of turning back. But she knew near the top of the river, there were springs that would still have heated water… and it would all be worth it.

Day by day passed in an eerie silence, but Olya never relaxed… not until she finally reached the springs, and without any hesitation she slid into the warm, swirling waters, exhaling slowly as the sharp warmth stung her pads briefly before becoming a welcomed feeling. It was cut short, however, at the sudden crunch of approaching paw steps. Her sky blue pools looked about for who it might be…


Slave of her own Chains || No heart || Part of Graes Waegholm



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