At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Nothing is true; everything is permitted

She was not sure whose choice it had been to invade this new land - obviously, it was Zagan who led them, but whether it had been he who had come up with the idea or another, she was unaware, but it did not much matter. He was her Rohun, and she would follow him to the ends of the earth if that was what was necessary. And even if it wasn’t necessary… If that was what he requested of her, that is what she would do. Lothris had been born into the world with a unique outlook on life - so many failed to excel in what they did, so many failed to better their species as a whole… and she refused to be like them. She was detail oriented, almost to the point of being able to be diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder - everything had to be just right… But it would not drive her insane if it was not. Perhaps perfectionist would be a better term for her… with a measure of genious. As a pup, she had been lucky enough to find out early on which path she wanted to choose when she finally matured - that of their own mother. Mother had been her role model, for she had been an expert Sazen … and as soon as it became clear that Lothris would not change her mind, her mother had allowed her to come on one of her assignments for one of her kills. Lothris had been forced to wait in the same spot, quiet and still so that she would get the perfect vantage point to watch her mother work… And from that point on, even though she had already fully committed to working towards the goal of becoming a Sazen herself, she had been hooked. There was an artistic beauty in her mother’s skills, which required precision and grace in addition to the perfect amount of planning in order to dole out the perfect kill… And so she asked her mother to train her.

It was unusual for a pup to start their training so young, but Lothris had insisted, and their mother had not denied it to her. They had started off her training with simple things - squirrels, rabbits… But had acted as if they were other wolves. Even though Lothris was still being fed by her parents, she would find a prey, study it for days, make out a plan, workshop her plan with her mother, and then carried it out. So many time she failed - her excitement had gotten the best of her, or she had been careless and had stepped on a twig and given away her position… Or had not take into account the wind and that had given away her scent… And then there have been the first day she had been successful. It had been in the winter, when she was about six months old, and she had brought down a snowshoe hare. She had followed its tracks for days, have found its burrow, and the next time she saw it leave, she had blocked the entrance with a rock, pushing it deep in so it wasn’t visible from the surface... and then she patiently waited for it to return. Chase has been given, and it had tried to run into its burrow only to find that it was unable to. It had turned around in order to find one of the other entrances, and had run directly into Lothris‘s jaws. Of course by this time, Lothris was eating meat herself… But quickly found that the meals her parents gave her was nothing compared to this - the sudden splash of warm blood on her flesh when she pierced the skin, the feeling of power when she crushed it’s tiny skull with her jaws, the feeling of adrenaline and the thrill of it all when her victim screamed its final and the heat of the meat as she eat it while simultaneously painting both herself and the snow around her in its blood… A sick and twisted creature awoke within her, one that could not wait until the next time she could take a life.

And so she continued her training - they had gone from hares onto birds, made more difficult because they could go in direction that Lothris could not - up into the sky. And then they had moved onto fawns, injured ones that the parents would not fight hard to protect… The difficulty of the hunt increased as she aged, until her most recent birthday, when she finally became an adult, and her mother gave her an assignment. It was not for specific wolf, just for a wolf, any wolf, but Lothris had taken it very seriously. Together, her and her mother had set out, traveling far away from the park so that the kill would not be connected to them at all. Lothris had chosen her victim, and studied him for a week. Each day, she went over her new data with her mother, and came together with a plan - this would be her last lesson, her last training session… She suceeded. But the tale of that is a story for a different time… we are talking now but the tale of her coming to Blossom Forest.

She and her two siblings had come here together, leaving their mother and father behind. It had been time for them to become independent and branch out, and Lothris had been excited at the prospect of finally be able to prove herself. It was her goal to become worthy of being chosen for the Arkhaed… But only time would give her that opportunity. Though she had traveled most this way with her siblings, this last stretch they had split off, each of them wanting to hunt before they finally met up with their Rohun… But it seemed that she was the first to arrive. As Zagan crept into her vision, she slowed her gait to a trot and came before him. Her gaze met his for a second, before lowering them to the ground as she bowed.

Lothris, my Rohun.


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