Enocra Woodland

Pine, spruce and firs alike...
Dense coniferous forests cover the woodlands, with clearings, paths and the occasional wildberry shrub throughout. Pine, spruce and fir make up much of the forest in the east, with the forest becoming swampier in the west towards Mecor Valley. In the west, cypress trees dominate, with fallen trees creating bridges across and throughout the stillwaters.

Return to Lunar Children

Kindness is magic

have courage
be kind

Maybe because it had happened once before, Magpie was better prepared to recover from the world shifting revelation of her imprint. Well at least outwardly. Inside, the young female was in turmoil. A wolf could only ever have one imprint at a time; at the very least she knew that much. She might have even heard of a wolf whose imprint had died gaining another chance. But...did that mean that Lefteris hadn’t just left, rather that he’d died? It was strange, this simultaneous revelation of both losing and gaining the other half of her soul. Did she mourn? Should she celebrate? The poor male before her didn’t seem to know quite what to do either.

Moving a little closer, Magpie licked his cheek, trying to calm his rapid breathing. It was the very least she could do and in that moment, she needed something to ground her before her mind went spinning off into the realm of possibility, imagining all the ways that Lefteris might have met his doom. Worried that he might not be particularly receptive to her attempts to comfort him, Magpie stepped back to give him a bit of space while still remaining close enough to draw comfort from his nearness.

As he said her name, Magpie’s tail swayed behind her and her ridiculous large ears perked forward. ”Triton!” It was a good name; strong and certain even if its owner seemed more the former than the later. She couldn’t blame him; not really. She wasn’t too sure of herself either in that moment. Her body wanted her to rejoice at this second chance at a meaningful connection with another wolf. That soul-deep bond that only she and Triton would understand, but her heart and her mind were still reeling at the implications of this new bond. Her silly little Lefty with his clumsy paws and anxious ways was gone. Shifting her weight from side to side in a physical display of her turmoil, Magpie smiled as sweetly as she ever had and gave a nod.

”We are now imprinted. It’s a little strange at first, but hopefully you’ll get used to it.” Hopefully he would like her. Even for all her confusion and anxiety she wanted him to like her. He had filled the void within her and once she untangled her thoughts, she was sure she would adore him. How could she not? Tilting her head, Magpie peered at the pale wolf with his sandy points and his pupiless eyes and sent out prayer to the fates that they would help her sort this out. Surely they knew better than she ever would about which souls belonged to each other. Maybe Lefteris had only been brought to her for a short while as part of a plan? It didn’t make it any less confusing or hurt any less but she just had to have courage and faith that everything would sort itself out.

html by castlegraphics; art by merylmiles


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