Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesThe wheels on the bus...

First I'll start with a negative report by saying that the snow buntings were nowhere to be seen this morning along Victoria Road. The flocks have been diminishing in number and size over the last few weeks. What I did see as I drove south this morning was:

On the long flat stretch of road north of the campground, I could see a northbound school bus at the south end of this stretch. A bus is not a common sight on this road so its presence piqued my interest.

As I continued southward, I realized that the bus was stationary. Getting closer, I could see that the bus door was open.
Since I was on my way to a meeting with no time to spare, I was unable to stop to ask if they needed help.
Upon passing the bus, however, I could see that there were no passengers and the driver was sitting in the seat right by the door, binoculars up to his eyes.

I'm not sure what he was looking at (still didn't have time to stop) but my first thought was

Bird watcher!

In a school bus!

I hope he saw something good.


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