Sightings Western MA

As I posted a bit ago, we have been receiving reports of a mountain lion being seen from Russell, through Southwick, into western Agawam over the last few weeks. Several of the witnesses gave really good descriptions of the cat. Several in one area see bobcats regularly, and clearly said, "this isn't a bobcat, its bigger". One may have some evidence, and we are meeting the gent over the next couple of days. I know a few of these people well, and if they say they saw a mountain lion, credibility certainly leans to them. One called Fish and Wildlife and was promptly told there are none in Massachusetts, and not to worry. He gave them the same description he gave me, but they were insistent. Based on some of the events of the last couple of years, we are going to eventually be able to have firm evidence, sooner rather than later. These sightings are right in an area where historic sightings were recorded, and prints at one point taken in the past.


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