Re(2): mountain lion sighting in Franklin County IP: Posted on September 23, 2013 at 09:43:31 AM by Ryan
Lots and lots of sightings from very credible sources the past 3 years in Bernardston/greenfield/Northfield/Warwick area.. Needs to be looked unto further because people are so shocked by what they are seeing.. And we have all seen bobcats, that's all these animals are according to mass wildlife... We need people to take pics of prints, I mean, everyone has a phone, with a pretty good camera, I have not seen this illusive animal yet, I hunt a lot, and am in the woods a lot, but I am a believer that these animals are making a come back in the region.. What can it possible be that people are seeing? I do believe some people are blowing some sightings out of proportion, but reports from hunters, and farmers in the remote berkshires, males the hair stand up on the back of your neck....