Re(4): Spencer More Reports IP: Posted on October 31, 2013 at 10:38:08 PM by Aaron M.
Thanks for letting me know. Is this group associated with If so, that is a really cool site and I respect their work. I'd love to work alongside them and share reported sightings and evidence. It would also be valuable to communicate so that we don't "muddy up the waters" for eachother by adding additional foot traffic to sigting locations where sensitive and subtle tracks may exist. I'm certainly not trying to step on any toes (neither figuratively nor those imprinted in the ground).
As far as the name "eastern ghost" is concerned, I think it is a evocative name that conveys the sense of mystery that surrounds the issue of whether or not there is a breeding population of cougars in Massachusetts. I certainly mean no disrespect to anyone by using a word that was once used to ridicule. The fact that authorities scoff at the idea that there may be mountain lions habitating in Massachusetts doesn't bother me. If they won't take sightings seriously, thank goodness there are groups (without possible economic incentives to silence solid evidence) like the group you are referring to and Eastern Ghost who will take sightings seriously, follow-up promptly and do their best to find solid evidence to identify whatever it was that the person saw. My philosophy is that if enough irrefutable evidence is collected by non-official groups, the authorities will have no choice but to come around.
I have no predjudice either way. I have never personally seen evidence of cougars in MA but I know several credible people who swear they have, so I am certianly open to the fact that there could be a breeding population here. I have nothing personal to prove, I am simply incredibly curious about what the truth is. The best way I see to get closer to the truth is to offer my services and experience as a tracker and see what turns up.
I also don't want to send this thread off-topic anymore than I just did, so feel free to email me at if you'd like to discuss this further. Thanks! Replies: