Re(2): "Lack of Evidence"

Go do some research on the "Matanuck" incident. I posted the report from the Environmental Police in RI, including all the data on the bite marks, the whole deal here on this site. Also the names of the outside people that examined the evidence from the site. They all agreed it was consistent with a cougar attack. The deer weighed about 120 lbs. For a bobcat to attack it and drag is with the head and shoulders above the ground a distance and cover it with debris is preposterous. Numerous witnesses SAW the cat, and the descriptions were consistent with a cougar. The material for the DNA was "lost".

The original release by RI was 4/13/2011 (stated it was a bobcat). On 6/3/2011, the state under fire reversed the findings. All of those documents are available. Links posted on this site some time ago. There was a second incident that was reversed as well.


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