some prayers find an answer

He was dressed in his guard’s uniform; it wasn’t long before he was due on his shift guarding the outer wall with one of the new recruits. Flynn hadn’t found it strange before, until he was wearing it in front of Ellie. When she had first met him he had been wearing a suit...and then he had been wearing jeans with a t-shirt and baseball trainers. Time had progressed, he had changed, and he had taken on different jobs and responsibilities; with each progression came a new wardrobe. Flynn had been dressed in the guise of a bounty hunter the last time he had seen Ellie, his face still freshly scarred. It was an old wound now, and had faded a little. Now he wore a tabard of red and gold with the king’s crest emblazoned across his chest, over a chainmail shirt. His helmet remained polished on the table where Dylan had left it. Ellie always left, and when she came back he had always changed his clothes but she...she was always the same.

Flynn glanced at Renn and rolled his eyes at her, before looking back to Ellie with a softer, kinder expression. He always managed to forget how much he missed her until she was standing in front of him again. Telling Renn had not been easy, Flynn had always cared for his siblings but he had not previously ever been particularly open with them...with anyone who wasn’t Ellie. Renn was just looking out for her, he knew that, and he quickly followed the eye roll with a reassuring smile.

“Of course you can say,” Flynn said, stepping forwards and taking hold of Ellie’s hands, guiding her across the room to the table and the spare chair. Dylan had forgotten to tuck it under again, so it was ready and waiting for its new occupant. He heard Renn snort behind him and had to stifle a laugh.
“I’ll get those drinks then,” she said, bustling back out of the room and throwing a look back over her shoulder. Flynn had learned to read his sister well since they had lost their father and he could see her concern. She had told him once when she had been sick, that she was tired of seeing him hurting. Flynn supposed he was tired of it too.

They were alone, finally. Flynn didn’t know what to say, but glanced down at his hands, surprised to find that he had sat himself down again, and had them clasped on the table top.
“That’s Renn,” he told Ellie, nodding in the direction of the door Renn had just left through, “she doesn’t mean anything, she just...cares.” The silence came back. Flynn shifted a little in his chair, he knew better than to ask where she had been; he never really got an answer.
“I can’t do this again, Ellie” Flynn managed at last, “you leave and I wait for you to come back. I love you, and I’ve lost too many of the people I love. If you’re back, it has to be to stay because I can’t lose you all over again.”

photography by LexnGer and jcurtis4082 at flickr.com


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