During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


a small touch of happiness [ Vladya ]

So. Life sucked at the moment. Not that her life sucking had ever truly brought her down, but at the moment, it sucked real bad, real hard. Serris had said nothing more to her or Vladya after the day that they had shown up and he had swept her into a protective hold, capturing the lost princess in his power once again. Kobato was not blind. She had not missed the look of complete and utter betrayal flash across her soldier's facial features. But it mattered little to the small runt who had become a princess of Munashii Gekko. Serris was the figure she looked up to. She had sacrificed her life, her time, her health for Vladya. She had admitted to her feelings for him, and despite the fact that there was another creature lurking within him just waiting to wrap it's jowls around her larynx once again, she trusted him. And in this trust was also the hope that he could understand just why she allowed herself to become clay in Serris's grasp. It was here that she no longer had to watch out for her every move. It was here that she was not in danger of being attacked or raped or taken prisoner. Munashii Gekko was home.

Or at least it had been. After several weeks passed by, with her and Vladya's injuries healing up nicely-- there was still no sign of Serris coming along to at least access the situation between herself and the prisoner she'd stolen from right under Abendrot's nose. However she did not sleep in the same den as he like they had when they took refuge in Spring Grounds, using her title to ask for hospitality. From the look that Serris had given her as she stalked away with Vladya in tow, she knew better than to test the limits on what she could and could not do. This, though, did not keep her from spending every waking moment with him. Even if it was just following him around or sitting next to him, or offering smiles here and there, Kobato tried her best to stay at her happiest. Truly it wasn't very hard, as Kobato was a creature who was born to be happy at all times, who thrived off smiles and could not function without laughter. But it was getting harder to put those smiles on. Every hour that ticked by seemed like a decade, each day a century, and each week a millenium. When it became clear that he was not coming around to approve of her pick, or to even check the hessain's assets out, Kobato bit the inside of her cheek and took her time as she travelled back to her ice dragon. What had Serris expected her to do? Have an arranged mate with some other pack's prince? As if. Those from Saw Tooth were too old, Cold Summers only had a princess and her pair, a bastard who apparently liked to get around. Andere was dead silent, Bright Moon... eligible males but older than Kobato and there were rumors of a strange relationship between the Alpha and Beta. Moondown had just fallen into new rule but he too was older than she. Malignant Felicity had been food for thought, but with Kershov as the sire and Queens as the dam... well behavior tended to run through the family. Not that Kobato couldn't be tested by fire, but constantly living in it would be dangerous to health. Abendrot was out of the question. Even if Serris didn't know about her excursion and her stolen goods, she highly doubted that she would ever use Abendrot in a sentence again. With a promise that had the intent to kill slipping out of Kershov's mouth, Kobato and Vladya were better off on the down low. In a pack that was quiet and not very... sociable with other leaders. However one wrong move could potentially cause a war between lands and it could draw in innocent bystanders. A sigh slipped past her kissers, slashing through the atmosphere with the strength of a butterfly's wings fluttering. When she had first joined Serris, she had wanted so desperately to be a princess. To have knights and fair ladies attending to her. And for a while she did. But innocence is bliss to which we are not allowed the pleasure of owning our whole lives. Sooner or later she was to grow up. And those pains were wracking through her body now.

When she reached Vladya, wherever he was hiding out, she paused before walking up beside him. They had been too quiet for the past few weeks. Perhaps this was because of the apprehension of Serris's reply-- or was it something more serious? Did he... hate her? Hate her for not rushing back to his side. Hate her for bringing him to a place such as Munashii where the world was still against him? In that moment, as her strides brought her closer to him, she realized that she and he were still on completely different levels. To reach each other, things were going to have to change. Physically, emotionally and psychologically. Her tri-hued shoulder rubbed up against his own as she settled in next to him, toffee portals eagerly searching for his own dreamcatchers. Would he look at her today? Overhead the summer rain clouds were forming in the afternoon heavens, staining them with a foggy ink that slipped through the clear sky, turning it gray... then black. Kobato hated thunder. She had ever since she was a child. And she was well aware that with these kind of clouds forming up above, then thunder was soon to follow. The smell of rain infiltrated her senses as she swept her plummage over her walkers. Her set of eavesdroppers on her crown twitched nervously. Vladya? I think we should leave.


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