Re(7): (no subject) IP: Posted on February 10, 2015 at 02:50:17 AM by weather01089
“Forget about New England for a moment”.(Helen)
We are not interested in other events in the Tidewater or sightings in Tennessee at the moment because New England is where the most recent discoveries of puma concolor have been made and most of credible sightings are taking place. Even if what you say is true, which we don’t accept, what difference does it make? Hoaxes in South Carolina have nothing to do with cougars being road killed in CT or research projects in Canada that resulted in confirmations or the discoveries of evidence in every section of the New England. No one is suggesting cougars first made a recovery in Sparta, Georgia then dispersed to New Hampshire. Some of the cougars around here likely came from the eastern Canada. Others may be pets or a descendant of one while a few may have made longer treks from Michigan or the mid west. Everyone who had a stake in the outcome of this controversy is monitoring what is taking place in the Northeast and you’re asking us to “Forget New England”, look elsewhere and behold the scams. Don’t hold your breath. We are not arguing whether of not Florida Panthers have dispersed to New Jersey, or if cougars in the Blue Ridge Mountains have managed a comeback and spread north, we are discussing eastern cougars reoccupying eastern Canada and the rest of the Northeast. You are trying to distract observers of this blog from the issue at hand by bringing up these irrelevant topics you find fascinating. Perhaps you should try posting this information on the Georgia/North Carolina Mountain lion Sightings Bulletin Board- assuming such a place exists, where puma aficionados from the Deep South can weigh their merit, rather than here. This is the New England Mountain lion Board. Stay on topic.