Re(2): Sightings without Evidence IP: Posted on February 19, 2015 at 03:44:24 AM by cici
Well, I must say that I am following these conversations and enjoying every word!For the record, I am convinced we have cougars in N.E. and I believe they never left. They just learned to stay as far away from their enemy,man,as possible. They earned the nic name "the ghost cat" for a reason.I think man nearly made them extinct by shooting them for attacking their animals and it became very hard for them to exist because of a lack of readily available food(what was the deer population in this area like back then?)without knowingly putting themselves into harm's way.I think they put as much distance between humans and themselves as physically possible without leaving the area completely.They went into the most difficult areas to access.Every fall I am amazed to see the numerous deer we have in my area disappear at the very beginning of hunting season.All year long I almost always see several deer or even a herd at least 5 or 6 times a week - UNTIL hunting season! They disappear!They go into hiding because they know their lives are in danger. I think this is what happened with the cougars.Now there are so few and they have become so good at hiding that we rarely catch glimpses of them. Russ, you and I are practically neighbors - I live in Medway.I have NO DOUBT I found a couple of cougar prints in a muddy creek bed at the edge of my property.I know it was NOT a dog or a bear and it was huge. I studied the pictures on the web and I was sure. So sure that I tried to make a plaster cast of one but failed.Russ,living in Wrentham I have no doubt you know of Bond.For those of you not familiar with Bond, he is a show dog who bolted from his owner at a show in Wrentham this past spring. They brought in all kinds of tracking dogs and specialists who devoted all day every day for months and guess what? No Bond! No where to be found!If one domesticated dog can prove that evasive I have no doubt wild cougars can do the same.Back to my print story...a few months later I saw a posting on another site from a woman who lives on Hill St.,which is right down the street from me, telling how she found cougar prints in her yard.Sherborne is only a couple of towns away and there have been posts of cougars being seen there.They are here. I have no doubt.It is only a matter of time before we prove it.I think the reason "officials" deny it is because they are told to.There would be too many uninformed people panicking at the thought of something they consider to be as "dangerous" as a cougar.I think if it was confirmed there would be a rash of calls on the police log from moms who think they see a cougar when in fact it is an overgrown cat or coyote they are afraid is going to gobble up little Jimmy.I was thrilled when the Moose started to be spotted in our area and equally as thrilled with the bear sightings.My excitement of proven cougar existence in N.E. will top that! Replies: