Re(1): The elite are back IP: Posted on May 29, 2016 at 04:39:00 AM by kamdin
Could it be that the cats before being massively killed, (extinct from the area..) could it be, certainly things migrate through the woods. . They were mostly fully dispersed throughout Tribes Lands(USA), Canada and South America before everyone started killing them in massive numbers (piles of dead Native Indians, Mountain lions and Buffalo etc. theres documentation). they kill everything in many places. It's been quite a while now & it's absolutely probable their population is growing.. and it's absoloutely probable they are coming from all directions. I get sort of a fuzzy feeling when I think of a mountain lion with Western or Southern or Northern or central US, or Southern American, or Canadian DNA, or some combination; making their way to the Northeastern shore of the Ocean looking out. espically if they traveled all the way from Kansas! Lots os sighting of big black cats of unknown DNA migrating up north from South America and Florida, BTW! And the northern Wolves are making rounds in central US. it is a re wild america possibly?
There is a thread on a forum from bac in 2008 to today which details quite a few wild animal encounters with things that "shouldn't be in the area". trying to compile some. aswell as other stories from the outdoors. I'll try to post it. We are talking deep woods though, deep woods. These creatures do avoid being around human civilizations usually. Who really goes deeps woods camping in quabbin? Certainly not the department of fish and wildlife. day been sneekin round the woods for decades..
I was reading somewhere once about an animal highway. So many cougars and other animals were (are) being killed on Californian highways trying to make it to the other patch of wooded area. Somebody came up with the idea of making a huge flat bridge to be planted with trees and grasses and look like the scenery. It would go over the area most crossed where the forest was split up going into the other range. I don't know if it's under construction yet but we should really try to start living with nature.
Are we allowed to talk about Wolves here? or Coywolves?
just found this nothing new. Replies: