Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


;;{we can't all be cheerful};; [Kershov]

A small vixens bodice made it way across the land, all the way from her own, to this field she had first come to. Paws springing into action; bounding in the flowers and all around the field. Tail up and wagging. It had been a while since she had been out of her own territory and into the neutral grounds of Blossom Forest that weren't owned by anybody, just neutral grounds for anyone and anybody. Since she had claimed her pack, she had six members so far. She'd made a mental note and knew each other their faces, how they looked, and their names. She knew what ranks she wanted them in in the future. She knew she wanted one on one time with them and she knew they would be loyal to her as much as they could while she would do everything in her power to be the best alphess she could be.

Bright blue-grey eyes scanned the horizon and her surroundings, her tail curled above her, swaying in the air and her mouth open with her tongue lolling out. Prancing around in the flowers; happy to be stress free, happy to be by herself. Milo dropped to the ground, frolicking on the ground. Rolling around in the flowers and making happy grunts and sounds; her muscles tensing and relaxing as she moved. Her small bodice wasn't hard to move and she couldn't help but want to play now; she'd been so serious the past few weeks it had driven her nuts. This is so wonderful!! the words flowed from her maw, completely happy and excited as she bounded around. When she finally did stop, she'd collapsed in the field, sighing a happy sigh and panting. Her white plume still wagging as she did so.



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