Re(2): Couger spotted on cape cod IP: Posted on August 18, 2017 at 02:44:59 PM by Joan B.
I'm kind of sorry to hear this, but it also adds to something I've wondered about. I love to hike for miles and because I don't have many friends who enjoy the distance I often go alone. I used to regularly hike out the backside trail on Sandy Neck. I've seen huge coyote, Snowy Owls, big bucks, and even a, previously thought to be extinct, sea turtle. One time on Trail 5, I had this feeling of being stalked. I came across scat that was 9 inches long and very fresh and I turned around to head home.
I live along the barrier beach on the salt marsh side. Ten foot grasses line my yard. One night when I pulled in my huge yellow lab would not get out of the car. She was paralyzed with apparent trepidation, caution, or fear. I literally carried her into the house and then she was fine. The next day something big came flying through the yard. I didn't get a good look just turned as the motion surprised me and it had disappeared into the grasses and woods.
I have seen mountain lions a few times in unexpected places, like Manomet, Mystic Ct., crossing 495 near the Lydan Preserve in Wareham (?), but always from the safety of my car. And on my long hikes always chasing the light, I've taken comfort in the "fact" that "we don't have cougars on the Cape". Replies: