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Re(1): Opening Night IP: Posted on May 28, 2018 at 10:54:37 PM by NYIND
Ron and I want to remain positive on this Board. But here are my thoughts:
-SBS feature was good.
- 1st Super feature OK. Once #2 (Shoe 2) had the lead it was boring limited passing.
-2nd Super feature was popular and more exiting but Shoe 2, without bad luck, was the class of the field.
-Crowd from the pit looking at front grandstand decent Half full on the front or half empty. Your choice. Good crowd in the Pit area.
-20 Cars - 3 from ISMA. Glad they were there, as 17 Oswego regulars not good for 100 laps of racing.
-I had hopes that we would have 24 cars if 3 from ISMA were there.
-Being honest - car counts still low and crowd for Big Opening show was very average in the stands.
-Personally - I missed the ISMA wings - I had hopes that a second show would be added.
-Let's hope more cars show up from the registration as the season goes on. Many commitment cars and a few of the not committed cars could bring full fields.
-Only 1st race - could get better. I predict good car counts for Classic. Appears like last year, most cars are waiting for Big payout with fresh cars. Could be wrong, still early.
-Everyone should remain positive - Car counts may get much better and the crowd will respond.
-Summary - good show but less than I expected with super car counts and crowd. But still early.