Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


you set off a dream in me

It had been another sleepless night, Lev had started to feel as if he needed to watch over Nimueh and her pups, like they needed protecting. And so he had chosen to sleep under the stars each night since she had whelped the pups, it had only been a few weeks yet. Most nights he could fall asleep to the soft sounds of the night and knowing that he would wake at any signs of trouble. But this night had been horrible. He could hear rustling within the faes den, as much as he wanted to go in and soothe her; he stayed outside. Pacing back and forth, grunting here and there; frustrated that he would not go in to comfort the lass. When it barely started to get lighter outside, Lev decided he needed a walk. More of a jog really. He'd nonchalantly trotted away, making his way through the labyrinth of cliffs in the pack and out of the boundary. Stopping to look up at the sky, letting his rump hit the ground. What was he to do? He wanted so badly to be close to the fae; to have her scent engulf him. He wanted to rub his scent on her just as she would more than likely rub hers on him right back. The past few weeks of watching out for Nim and her pups had been what he wanted to do, no matter how Nim felt about it. And during the day, he kept an eye out in the pack while also checking on them here and there. Even if she never saw him, he was there. He was there to do whatever she needed; for he had started to care for this lass like the last one. The one before he came to Blossom.

It was only about an hour or so, when the sun had come up just a little bit more when Nimueh had appeared by his side. Silently walking up by him. When he turned his head towards her, he offered her a small smile. As she started to speak; he leaned over to nuzzle into her side just a little bit. He shook his head; "You do not owe me anything my dear queen. But my dear, you had said you were sorry that the pups were not mine for one." he looked towards her as she leaned against him. He embraced her leaning into him; letting her lean against him as he made sure to sturdy himself. Giving a soft flick of his tongue along her head. He looked back towards the horizon as he continued to speak, his deep Russian accent booming without him really trying. As they were outside her then pack. After the take over of Sindicate. His lips went up to show his teeth at the thought of the other brutes name. But, he did not let the kings name make him angry, quickly recovering from it, he spoke. "For two, you said you thought that us was leading to something, I told you there still could be something." the brute glanced at her. Smiling a little. Oh how he had ached for her presence, now that she was here, he did not want her to leave. But he had meant what he had said. There still could be something.

"I meant every word I said. There still could be something." that was her choice though and he didn't see himself going for another fae anytime soon. After all, it had been years since the last. The last was killed by his fathers pack though after he had tried to let her go. And then he was punished for falling in love with a prisoner. It made him reluctant to love again, to care for another as he did before. But he could not help it with Nimueh. She was so beautiful, and though she put up a front with others, he could see what lie underneath. She was a great mother and though her pups were not his, he had been looking forward to seeing them grow. But that was not his choice, that was hers and their fathers choice of where they would end up. Thus, he looked to her as he listened around them; keeping an ear out for danger or others on the off chance.


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