Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.





Wrong is wrong. No fallacy can hide it, no subterfuge cover it so shrewdly but that the All-Seeing One will discover and punish it. - Antoine Rivarol

Although it was less shocking than the first time that she saw Nyfiken, Yayoi still found herself intrigued by the creature in front of her - from the way that two completely different species could have molded into something like this - a sustainable creature that had lived within the bowels of the earth for who knows how long. And while previous generations of the Faraway clan had been mainly focused on either fighting or herbology, Yayoi was lucky enough to been born into this one - for she was a fighter first and foremost, yes, but the intricate machinations of her mind had not gone unnoticed. She had been taken under the tutelage of The Scientist at one point, and she thusly found anything that strayed from the norm to be something worth studying. And given the large differences between the two specimens of this particular mutation of wolves - between Nyfiken and this female, she could see that her initial hypothesis was far from the truth.

Nyfiken had been proud to a definite fault, with an insurmountable pool of self-confidence that oozed out of each of his movements and each of his words. To be concise, Nyfiken was cocky as fuck, but the same time, he was also intelligent, something that the young brute had at the time seen no reason to hide. But this female seemed… More carefree. Yayoi had initially thought that perhaps because of the way they went blind earlier in their life, not from simply old age, perhaps they needed to be more cunning in order to survive, less trusting. But here was this lass, just past her puphood, who was ignorant of the fact that a stranger could harm her, and was oblivious to the dangers of the surface realm… All the whilst frolicking in the sea of falling leaves. Perhaps there was just as much variety in these Chiroptera as there were in the other species of wolves, the more normal ones at least. Still, Yayoi had a desire to either recruit her to the pack or kidnap her so that she may be studied. Could these Chiroptera be turned into Zaba as easily as any other kalak vessel? The main frame of their body was that of a kalak, so it would stand to reason that the plant should work… But that did not mean that the plant would take any logical sort of action. By the gods, it for some reason turned nonkalaks into kalaks, but only if they were pushed into one of the chiasms that spewed with magical energy. Perhaps the plant would strip these Chiroptera of their wings and turn them into a normal kalak with Zaba marks… Or perhaps… Perhaps it would kill them. At that thought, Yayoi smiled and shrugged before beginning to talk to the lass again.

This is not even the brightest that the light gets, dear one. You should see it in the full splendor of summer, when the rays of light burn against your flesh enough to sap up the energy from your muscles and push you to find haven in the shade, or else rivers or oceans to dip within. And even our night… It is nothing compared to the eternal darkness that I am sure you are used to for we have the moon and the stars overhead- The manifestations of the gods themselves - in the sky above to light our path. And depending on which phase of the moon is held, sometimes the nights can be quite bright as well.” Yayoi paused - she would have to play a little bit of a guessing game. Nyfiken‘s personality has been bold and obtuse, easy to read. But she with this one, she would have to try to a little bit harder and tread lightly. “Are there… Plants in the caverns that you come from? Are there trees like ours, with the leaves that change color and fall as the seasons change, or I suppose the first question is do you have seasons at all? For that is what these are - leaves. And their mother plant is a tree… But I cannot claim to be an herbologist - I know the names of very few of them, for there are many.” Yayoi smiled briefly, her teeth lightly clicking together as she thought. “So what is your name? The other Chiroptera I met was named Nyfiken, do you know him? He is… Considering joining the pack that my sister runs. Up here, there is strength in numbers, and safety in the membership of the pack. It is an option that you would do well to consider as well. What without the darkness to level the playing field, nor the sharp walls for sound to bounce off of…” The kalak allowed her vocals to trail off and she shrugged again, waiting for a response.


.:.Adult.:.Mona Toforan.:.Dam of an Unknown.:.Sibling to Ainae.:.Secret Lover of Eisukuro.:.

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