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Re(2): Politics

MY 3/C Year roomate Bill Holtz was Mayor of Johns
island near
charlestown SC. Don't recall how long.
i had thought of visiting and never did work things I did a lot of travelling to FL and NJ but the one trip I tookSoiuth from NJ I had ti\o get to FL ASAP. "Woody" HOLTZ moved to a place Lake Harmon ??? N of Charlotte NC due to health reasons. I am sorry that I did not make it a point to visit. Wife Sandy ran for Perry Township Trusteee (I was Treasurer - and bankrolled the race) against an incumbent and lost(carrued the part where she was active (Presidents)---School PTA Civic ASSN . Had we got a better feel of or a map of the township (really broken into small pieces all over) She had backing of the PD and
FD and all knew her - those distant bits of the tiownship was our undoing. . But the incumbent a real estate agent knew the territory. However, on hindsight it was a good loss because the next interim to the next election There was many unhappy citizens due to the activities of the real estate Trustee and other 2 trusttess (3 trustee for the towship) All never returned to office and Sandy opponent resigned to avoid losing and probably a law suit. So, that was our dabble in politics. I think Sandy would have been a HONEST and good trustee. she never wanted to run again. We were involved caring for her parents in FL and spent a lot of time going to and fron to North Palm Beach Florida all year long . Hated it in the summer but very nice after Hurricane season to about
Easter. We sat through 2 hurricanes - a bummer after power is lost and no A/C Humidity makes things very muggy. The Condo was solid and safe with metal hurricane shutters but like all hurricane noisy and windy and wet. Beats Left Coast Fires, drought, mud slides, and earthquakes.


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