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Re(1): Naval Academy, ousted Professor Bruce Fleming present cases on whether he's fit for the classroom

i recall a superb Bull Prof I had during Plebe Year. His name was Carpenter. He was most effective. He had a way of teaching and keeping your attention and he was odd and funny in his own way. He started some classes with spelling tests. If any one got then all correct
he gave him a cigar. He would grade them in class - and he had a grapefruit knife- long thin bladed and would find a misspelling he would spear and shred the paper with his knife , and that was end of it. He read to us some banned book passages with phrases and would read out the profane words with wry humor, he was a great prof. Years later i saw him dining in the
Lttle Campus Inn (now Galway Bay) located on Maryland Ave down from Gate 3 our main entrance then. I went up to him and told him he was an outstading English Prof. One other Bull Prodf was Allen Blow Cook. He also was different in his teaching, He tried to get his student think and use imagination to develop opinions and would not accept an answer "I dont know",, He was a retired Naval officer and said it ciost him money to teach at USNA' as he lost some of his USN Retirement as a civil service teacher. He assured us he lived in town in old house that had a ghost - which on occasion he encounteredd on his stairwell. We believed with humor him , as he was an honest man. so, you do need to stay within proper reasonable limits ehen you teach. I spent 3 years as a lecture atThe basic Schooll Quantico. Thet are many wayv to maintain attention of young college grads with dull subjects. and TEACH so they can learn. Appears Fleming wad an iconoclast and that may work at Berkley- hre was stupid in his egotism. i learned you must keep student attention to teach thru many ways
At the time I was teaching 2nd LTs. at Quantico Basic School , Fitz Woodrw, Dick Alger, Glen sanford were there at the basic school.


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