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The FORUM is provided for Classmates and their families to present information of interest to the Class.

Re(4): ‘God Bless America’ singer banned over ‘racist’ 1930s songs

Doc was indeed a magnificent human being. His sense of humor knew no bounds. Marching to class, Doc insisted on marching in the last rank which he termed 'Jim Crow.' He insisted every June week, he dragged the 'colored girl.' Have heard at graduation Doc was declared ineligible because he had been married (even though marriage was annulled). Think Russ Meteer suffered same fate fate, an outgrowth of the Senator McCarthy initiated background investigation. The service thus lost two superb officers. Have also been told Doc had to turn in his class ring, as the class had voted for this. Can this be verified? If so, we as a class must officially dissolve this myth. George Gans was Doc's roommate and perhaps can shed some light.


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