Re(1): Mountain Lion Harvard IP: Posted on August 3, 2019 at 07:09:05 PM by Jack
I saw a mountain lion today, Aug 3, in my backyard in Harvard. I was out in the yard at about 1:00 pm and my chickens started making a racket. I walked back to see what was going on and could see through the leaves on the trees what looked like the back of good sized dog, but it felt wrong. I couldn't see the head right away, but I could see the long tail. As I got closer it trotted off into the woods where I could see it much more clearly, The ears were rounded, nut tufted and pointy like a bobcat (which we also have seen here). It was at least twice the size of a bobcat, too. The tail was almost as long as the body and was visible as it was trotting away. It never looked back, but just kept going in a perfectly straight line through ferns and brush. I was shocked and amazed! Replies: