The Lost Islands

I don't really like myself without you


He had just returned from his visit with Xiomara an hour or so before she arrived in the Inlet. He hoesntly wasn't expecting any visitors and father might get mad if he brought in too many new faces before he was healed up. The colt was still sulking from his first taste at claiming a mare in the common grounds, kicking at the pebbles into the stream when she heard her call. He didn't expect Sighurd to visit so quickly! He was ashamed to have to tell her what went down between Valka and himself, but there was no time to think up a good excuse. Maybe she just wouldn't ask where the mare of fluff was except that she had just shouted her name right after his own.

He picks up his legs in a high gaited trot towards the voice of Sighurd. She wasn't too far away, but she was much deeper in the territory than he figured she would go. He reaches the pond and quickly picks up the red mare among the snow. A nicker leaves his lips as he trots closer, slowing to a stop just steps away from touching her. "Already giving yourself the tour?" He asks with a smile. He thinks if he finds something interesting to distract her then she might not ask about Valka's whereabouts. They had all just met at the same, right? Would it be so strange if Valka had already moved on?

"You look pretty wet. You know if you stay that way your coat will start to freeze." His nose points to her in a way to say look at yourself. "Feel free to move closer and share my warmth before you freeze." A charming smile rises on the young boy's lips as his weight shifts from one side to the other. He may not have the hormones of a real stallion, but he was already gaining the charm of his father.
two- colt- mutt- grey (smokey cream)- warsaw x vita nova- tinuvel prince- twin to letavice- played by tay


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