Re(1): The Soaring Unemployment Rate Posted on 5/8/2020 at 22:59:12 by Ed Tipshus
if Trump had not so improved our economy (made America great) the unemployment rate caused by the coronoivd -19 pandemic would be now double -triple. The Bozo that I voted for has done a spectular job as President What i assume what we needed was an experienced buisnessman experienced with competition, and a proven succees at getting thing done As I said before the election ; " I would vote for Bozo The Clown against Hillary Clinton an ambitious ruthles politician . " The results so far of his adminstration is commendable just look at the facts (and data). we will ALSO get great again. the failure of socialism and the future of democrat political party is extremely dim. Democratic congressmen like Adam Schiff is a very poor example of a honest trustworth person. something is mentally amiss with him.
Is this a great example unintended consequences ? Replies: