more Posted on 6/16/2020 at 01:11:13 by Ed Tipshus
I recall on the main street that went directly through Alexandria VA , before the freeways disrupted everything . In the center of town and the street was a smsll circle holding a statue of RE Lee standing ( maybe a rebel soldier ) I thought it was neat to have to turn around it when drivingg on the main street. the statue was facing North. The argument was versus states rights ans slavery. In history of slavery it was an option to death, as captured enemy
became willing slave versus dying. somehow those who were caught captured in Africa had the option of death, but slavery has a vile evil history. and a slaves value to an agrarian plantation owner was a very valuable asset. the black problem here in the US is very old and complex , but ancestors maybe are wrong in claiming bias of whites, as there is good part of bias on the black sidr. I have become to realize how grear was Martin Luther King in his wsy of desling with Prejudice, through non-violemnt resistance. the riots has made some bkack look very bad includin those whites who were involved as looters and arsonists. I hope the police department get busy in quickly retrsinhng ther officers. and managing them. Maybe remove wespons and give them more nonlethal wespon - the billy stick, and separate SWAT highly trained elite force units, Replies: