Re(1): USNA Cancel Culture Posted on 10/7/2020 at 12:24:02 by John Wells
The Navy football team got blown out by BYU in their opening game, then failed to score in the first half against Tulane, and finally got their act together for the second half and won. Then they had one of the worse games ever against Air Force. They’re not a team, and it doesn’t seem to be the coach’s fault. Last week the Supt Adm. Buck, had a midshipman discharged for tweeting racist remarks and had a big public pronouncement in the local newspaper about “diversity being utmost at the Academy.” With the foregoing revelation of this string, everything about what’s wrong in the Yard seems to be coming together.
You and I learned that one of the principal aspects of leadership is to “praise in public, censure in private.” Buck clearly missed this point. Also he seems to never heard of the “Parable of the Lost Sheep,” Matthew 18: 10-14, which would have shown him it’s far better to convert a sinner than condemn him.
All of this makes it plain to this old grease-ball that the problems the Academy are experiencing go straight to the top. There are several high ranking officers who should have been passed over. If the CNO and SecNav have any sense, they’ll quickly solve these problems.