Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
Tiny Marsh

I had a lovely walk early this morning at Tiny on the dykes as the boardwalk is closed at the moment--not sure why. It was quiet and I was apparently the only human there. But there was life eventually. I was relieved to see a small number of Black Terns flitting about in their fashion. When I was here about a month ago, I saw none and was very worried that they were no longer using Tiny as a refuge. Still, very small numbers compared to a few years ago, and no other tern species.

Also notably,
1 pair of Trumpeters with 5 or 6 cygnets, as well as a few other adults
1 pair of Loons with 2 young,
1 Osprey on the nesting platform,
1 American Bittern flying away (of course)
Heard some Pied-billed Grebes,
And a single Canada Goose swimming morosely about!

Best sighting was in a field at the corner of County Road 6 and Tiny Concession 1 as I was driving down to the marsh: a mature Bald Eagle was apparently grazing! I suppose it was eating a small mammal, but the last time I was at Tiny, there were (surprisingly ) 3 Trumpeter Swans grazing with the geese in that field--apparently there is good food stored there for a wide variety of birds! But an eagle????


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