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Re(3): Where are all the Super competitors

Ya caught the Duper Word - Just a Test. Your post is correct - I see no promotion for this weeks ISMA event at Oswego - Not even on the Oswego Site.

Promoting races seems to have gone by the way side. There was a time that Oswego advertised/promoted on TV and Radio. If you want to pack the stands you need to get fans attention. Tires may have an affect on what races teams run this season but, I still think its the purse. Oswego doesn't post the purse anymore but $2000 to win seems low to me. Yes you need to pay back through the field but you also need to attract more cars. There seems to be plenty signed up on both Oswego and ISMA sites. Maybe they need to get Danny K. back to promote or even the legendary Mr. O'Brian that still writes articles. I know up North of Watertown many people know nothing about the Oswego speedway that is only 1.5 hours away. In fact in Watertown you find many speedway schedules in stores (even Brewerton) but nothing on Oswego.


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