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Happy Birthday, ballboy (Sunday)
Re(1): Marty Fleischman Blogs At Pelota Press

ALQ, your kind words are most humbling. When Jeff approached me more than 3 years ago to recount my 41-year career with Jai-Alai, I was doubtful anyone was truly interested. But, knowing there were few of us left that had actually gone through the "Golden Age" of Jai-Alai to the near demise, I decided to give it a shot. You are proof that it has been worth it. I was amazed to see how many were actually reading it, anticipating the next "installment." It has been a labor of love. Might I, also, say that I have been so impressed with Jeff "Laca" Conway's sincere dedication to keeping the sport alive. From his leadership in getting the amateur Jai-Alai court in Pinellas County, to having one of the most amazing collections of Jai-Alai paraphernalia, Jeff has shown an undying love of the game. Plus, convincing me to write about my history in the sport, thanks, Jeff. Finally, there is one that I have seen that seems to get more criticism than kudos is the moderator of this site, "The Tiger" himself. How you have been able to maintain this website, airing some wonderful comments on the sport, and not so wonderful, it has been a feat. You deserve some special Jai-Alai Medal of Tenacity. Tiger, thanks for all you've done for so many years. My final act is coming soon. I am not sure if I have one or two chapters left. But, I hope for those that have missed some of the early years, you will go back and read from the beginning. It truly was a time to remember, impossible to describe. A time of Boli and Joey, smoke filled frontons with SRO, a time that needs to be cherished and remembered. Because, there truly was nothing like it.


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