The Lost Islands

I want your heart on a platter raid

Oh, you want battle?
I'll give you war.

The Lagoon had lapsed into silence once more which was hardly surprising given that the men seemed to only come alive when it was time to parade in front of each other during election season. I didn't understand the allure, but then again, it was not my problem. Perhaps if the Marauder or General wanted to take note of the chaos I meant to create I would pay more attention to them, but they had both gone radio silent the moment their names had gone up in lights. And so I had promptly quit caring about either of them.

My fascination with Garmr lasted only tangentially longer, given that his little escapade to the Peak had preceded a similar silence. He had supposedly brought back men to bolster our numbers, but I saw no evidence of them... just the lack of the mare and child he'd traded. But again, neither my circus nor my monkeys.

Rank meant little in the Lagoon, it seemed, despite the pitiful fighting over it that happened in both seasons I'd been present.

I didn't bother to notify anyone as I slipped away from the Lagoon on my way to Tinuvel. I was eager to scour the shores for what little gems I could find now that mares were dropping their babies and I had a chance to find a mare and colt to bolster the Lagoon's numbers. I had no great drive to find a mare for myself (although with Osmanthus and Leif, I technically could), but I knew that mares often provided trading opportunities - if Garmr's example was anything to go by.

Plus they were easier to find than rogue stallions.

I spotted the caramel-colored mare and the wet bundle at her hooves shortly upon arriving on the Inlet's shores, my skin shivering at the sudden change in temperature. I couldn't tell how old the boy was, but it was evident that he hadn't been breathing long by the way she hovered over him, calling out for a stallion that was not present. I knew that I should probably wait a little longer, but what fun was there in that? She was alone, and I had an opportunity... so I took it.

Stalking forward, I dropped my head low into a snaking position and attempted to creep closest to the colt, wanting to scare her into doing what I wanted. "You've got two choices," I sing-songed, a wild glint in my eyes. "Come with me nice and quiet, and we can leave your baby behind." A cruel smirk wove it's way onto my lips. "Fight me, and I'll take both of you." I glanced at the young thing, not sure it had even stood up for the first time yet. "Maybe it'll make the swim. Maybe it won't."

I made the equivalent of a shrug and stalked another step closer, or tried at least, my ears still swiveling for any sign of the stallion she had called for.

OOC: Just clarifying for rules that baby can come with no matter what, if the raid is successful. <3
Stallion - Young Adult - 15.2 - Brown Overo
Manipulation by Relibelli on Deviantart - HTML & the rest by love


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