Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


Heaven nor Hell

| Female | Adult | Mate to None | Delta of Bright Moon | Fantasia

Border patrol once again; working on keeping my rank at an equality. I wouldn't want to be demoted now, would I? Sure, this was indeed my fourth time jogging the perimeter of Bright Moon today, stopped three times so far today and it was just coming to dusk. Long day, but worth it. Speaking of it, how long has our king been gone for that challenge? Long enough, right? Suddenly I felt a jolt of reality; he wasn't immortal.. Sure, the ivory titan held his ground better than most, which is probably why I think he is invincable at times, but what if something actually happened this time? Imaginary brows furrowed, considering I was alone-as usually-loping throughout the dense forest, and no one could see me in my concentration and worries. Deep thoughts had me into my own little world, not off gaurd for I was definetly prepared for any attack at any time, but my mind was wandering farther and farther from my body as the time passed. Each minute dragged on until I found myself out of breath, sides rising and falling a bit irregularly to be normal. Frustrated, I slowed to a liesure saunter and continued on. Sure, my paws ached and throbbed, muscles quivered every now and again from being on them so long, but was I complaining? Hell no. And I would never, either.

Taking deep breaths, I began to regain my balanced breathing, emerald oculurs shooting from left to right in the shadows, nostrils flaring as I attempt to catch a scent of any strangers within the area. Radars are alert and cautious, anticipation causing me to lean forward slightly as if I could hear miles away. Nothing as far as I could sense, but was that really true? My senses were tingling, I guess you could say, and for a moment I was urged to sprint in the direction of the middle of this wonderful domain. Slightly confused, I shook away the odd feeling and pushed onwards, only to dig my paws into the ground. Talons dug into the ground in anticipation, the echoing howl reaching my perked obsidian audettes, immediatly recognizing the tone as the one and only, Tamlin. Not caring if there was anyone around, I let a dazzling smile stretch across my pallette, all worries washing away along with any emotion besides joy. Victory, sweet victory. Our king has done it before, and now he has done it again; perhaps he deserved a medal? Oh sure, let me just grab a necklace made of grass. Ha, scratch that thought. Pivoting on my hind legs, I changed my direction so I was heading in a straight line towards the halting song.

Adrenaline began to course through my veins, appendages moving at a steady rhythem as I neared my destination, eagerly awaiting to see just what shape the ivory regal would be in, that is if he didn't chicken out. Nearly snorting to myself, I just couldn't imagine someone being that much of a wimp to back out like that. Wasting our time like that, just plaing stupid. Slowing to a halt, I let my emerald lanterns peer through the thin brush, catching sight of the regal frame of the king instantly, his back to me at that particular moment. Squinting slightly, I scrutinized ever square inch of his body, finding nothing but the short pink scars and snowy fur, no crimson liquid to be found anywhere. A satisfactory smile stretched my kissers, a glint of my jagged ivories catching against my bottom lip as I broke through the foliage, a slow trot taking it's pace, banner low and eyes wandering over every member whom was there at the moment. The vixen known as Venga was awaiting an answer from the palid titan, as though she had just asked a question and awaited an answer, they skimmed passed her to Demon Moon quite quickly, and then to one I hadn't seen nor even smelt around here before. Cocking an imaginary eyebrow, I averted my luminaries from all of them at the moment, and staring no where in particular.

"Seems the bastard wasted our time, Tamlin. A shame he didn't show to be taught his lesson; he needed to be set straight." I let a chuckle slip softly into the atmosphere, as I came to a halt beside him. Ignoring everyone else for the moment, I bowed my delicate crown in greeting, a smile of wisdom and tease on my dial. "It is indeed good to see you back in your domain, my king. We have been quite busy lately, and I'm sure our members have missed you dearly, including me." With my lyrics entered into the air, lingering I awaited an answer before retracting respectively from the hessian's personal space, taking a seat near Venga, but not too far off from our alpha either. My chest swelled with pride, and glory; and I noticed just how much Tamlin seemed to be glowing with his own, now. Of course, I couldn't blame him. This so called Satowra had left pretty quickly after returning for what seems as though about an hour, leaving Tamlin back in power and authority; and frankly, I was glad for that. Sure, I didn't know who this ex-queen was, and I am not one to judge, but from the rumors of her leaving so suddenly obviously didn't have that good of impact on the other pack mates. All of that was in the past now, put behind us all for the time being before she wound op at our borders once again; seeking forgiveness. Excuse my mind wandering once again. There was a sure show of exhaustion in my features, no doubt, but there wasn't any way of hiding it. Raylen, Rio and Twilight have been absent as well, leaving our delta, zeta and Iota left to gaurd the borders pretty much. Getting any sleep around here was pretty much impossible. Hopefully with our king back, perhaps we could get a break from our border patrols? Not for long, for I'd much rather be wearing a path into the earth around the borders rather than leaving an indent in the earth.



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