Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


How lonely is the night without the howl of the wolf?

From the moment the pair left the clearing of Saw Tooth, the ess kept her eyes firmly on the ground. The scene replayed over and over again in her mind, the look on her son’s face stuck clear within her vision. The once happy and lively Channing had changed dramatically. Her body became slumped and lifeless and her head near enough touched the floor. Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest and although Henadin made the pain go away, Terrel was her son and no amount of words could describe the pain of losing her only child. Henadin lead the way, although the fae guessed that he had no clue where he was going either. Channing was too emotional to care where she was going or what she were about to do. Every now and again she would raise her eyes off the ground to look at her love, whose face was plastered with worry, but they would drop to the ground shortly after.

As her eyes were focused on the Terra, the lass didn’t fail to notice that the once smooth ground was now white and soft. She lifted her head for the first time to see that the pair where stood at foot of a mountain. Channing was soon distracted as the brute in front of her ended up doing the splits, his legs spread out either side of his bodice. Although she was not in the mood for fun and jokes, the lass couldn’t help the small grin that appeared on her face at the sight of her love sprawled out in a tricky position. Trying to hold back a giggle the female, careful not to slip herself, made her way towards the male rubbing her shoulder against his as she tried to give him support. The sheepish look on his face made it even harder not to laugh but she bit her tongue and resisted. “Are you alright my love?” The first words since being at Saw Tooth emptied from her mouth. Her auds flickered as the lad warned her to be careful and just like he did, she released her claws to provide extra grip.

Silence fell upon the pair and for a while Channing was relieved. She didn’t know what to say to him. Of course she would have to apologise for Terrel, he had been so rude and in all honesty it had shocked the lass. Yes, she knew how much he hated brutes and she knew a little about his past, but she was his mother and she hadn’t dragged him up to be like that. The walk to the top of the mountain wasn’t a stressful or straining one and the pair reached their destination in no time. Although the view below was blurred and the mist covered most of the land, the air was fresh and clean and provided the ess with a little comfort. The lads touch as he nuzzled her and wrapped his tail around her bodice was more soothing than he could ever understand. If they weren’t close before, they certainly were now. The lad had tested their bond and it hadn’t crumbled as he had most likely expected it too; it had grown stronger in her eyes. Her auds flickered to the sound of Henadin’s voice, a smile appearing on her kissers. He insisted that he had tried to make a good impression on her son however his next statement dampened the lass’s smile. He was apologising? Why? It wasn’t his fault. He was the innocent party in all this. If anything it was between herself and Terrel and he had nothing to apologise for. “You could never fail me my love. If anything I failed you. I should have prepared Terrel better; he may not have gotten so upset then.” She sat on her haunches, rubbing her head under his chin. “I will apologise for my son, he shouldn’t have been that rude to you. I haven’t brought him up to be like that.” She thought of the gangly ball of fur she had first adopted and how polite he had been. What had happened to him? The lass gazed out over the terra below wondering where her son was now and whether he had calmed down any. “When we return I will talk to him, I just hope he listens to me.” The thought that she might lose her son caused a whimper to escape her maw. Loosing either one of them was the one thing she didn’t want to happen and she would do whatever it took to make things right with her son once again.


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