The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


&& you say i'm the perfect drug

When I step closer, she jerks her head back and it feels like she just grew a hand and slapped me. My eyes instantly reflect hurt, not sure why she is reacting like this. Is she disgusted by me? None of this makes sense, but then, Kohaku never has. She tenses before I even open my mouth and my brow furrows, wishing I could see her better in the darkness. Where's the light in here? I speak, hoping my words will bring her back to me. She inhales and then goes still and I'm afraid for a moment that she's not going to breathe again. Did I say something wrong? I know that I was the least favorite on her list when we first met. She brushed me off at every turn and yet the challenge is what drew me to her in the first place. She wished to remain so secretive, so mysterious and it lured me. She rejected my charmer skills, laughed at my winning smile. She both frustrated me and turned me on. I couldn't get enough of her from the start and so i set out to make her mine. Now look at us. She's telling me that I drive her crazy and at the same time, she's been the pilot of my mind and heart for a long time now and she never knew. Even in the darkness, I can decipher the accusing look in her eyes. She doesn't believe that I'm hers completely. I know I'm not the number one candidate for monogamous relationships. I've never even had a girlfriend, just "friends." There was a time when I was enraptured with an older female by the name of Llorana. I met her when I was just a pup but I already knew that I was a romeo in disguise. I drew her in and we played. i brought out the puppy in her and she was my first crush, if you will. After her came many others. I drew them in, charmed them into a comfortable place and we made time. I left after with a quick smile and promise to visit later which of course never happened but luckily for me, Blossom is a big place and it's easy to lose wolves. I never volunteered information like a name or where I'm from and I'm always good about cleaning my pelt of Malignant's perfume before I meet anyone. But once I came under Kohaku's spell, nothing was the same. Sure at first, I still met with others because she frustrated me. She rejected me so I sought solace in others, others who hung on my every word, who would do anything I asked. But after a while they could do nothing for me. I only felt more restless so I quit looking for comfort elsewhere. I became more enraptured than ever with finding her, following her. She's all I could think about when I wasn't with her and no other would do. I can't remember the last time I made time with someone. I feel so angry when I think about her being with someone else though. I see red when I think about her touching someone else the way I want to touch her. She looks away, glancing toward the entrance and once more that wave of helplessness rolls over me like a wave. Please....please don't leave. Her words sting like a thousand wasps. She doesn't believe me. My lips part but I'm speechless. What do I say to make her believe me? I can't force her to, I wouldn't even know where to start. Then she gives a command. My brow furrows. Tell her what? I'll tell her anything if she stays. Then she catches my eye intensely, causing me to draw in a sharp breath as she tells me what she wants to hear. That I love her. I stare into her eyes. I never thought she would want to hear something like that, certainly not from me. Finally I draw a breath.

"I'll tell you anything, but I will not tell you a lie. From the beginning, I have not lied to you, Kohaku and I will not lie to you now. I have fallen for you. Call me a fool but I am falling for you. I love you." I seek her eyes the whole time, willing her to believe me. My life depends on it. At least, that's what it feels like.

Nikandros_male_adult_no mate_brother to Leonidas, Kaizer, Ariston & Nyrobi_Queens x Arcadian x Sidorio _prince of Malignant Felicity


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