Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


And if the night is burning I'll cover my eyes

Fili could tell Kili was irritated with his examination. He'd grown up with it and it made him feel like a baby again. He might not be a baby, but he'd always be Fili's baby brother. He rolled his eyes at the black brute. "Gee, where've I heard that one before? Kili remembered as well as he did all the mock fights they'd had as pups. Of course, he never intentionally hurt the younger, but the other pups had been bigger and stronger and hadn't really cared whether they hurt him or not. Kili insisted he could roll with the punches, that he'd be okay. Sometimes he was, often times the brujo would return with cuts and bruises, almost always insisting with his brother that he was "fine." Thorin had been the one to introduce the brothers to the play fights, and, when they got older, the real ones, and had always been watching the boys from the sidelines. He never spoke unless he was criticizing Fili or scolding the twins for some stupid move they'd made. But he would always leave directly after, leaving Fili to take the heat from their mother when Kili came home beat up. It had been the worst the first time they'd moved onto the "big league" fights. The ones where you went until someone gave. She hadn't known that Thorin had introduced them to it, so it had been quite the surprise when her older brother had hauled her two sons in to their den by their scruffs, defeated both physically and mentally. She'd been angry with Thorin, but also with her children. Kili had kept insisting "I'm fine. Really." and Fili had had to psychically drag him from the fight. Though he'd never admit it, Kili had done the same for him and, once or twice, so had Thorin. The brothers were far too proud sometimes. Once Fili had figured out that if their mother didn't notice any wounds, she wasn't upset, or at least no as upset, he began disregarding any of Kili's statements and performed his own inspection of the boy. A small smile found its way onto his kissers as he was reminded of a simpler time when all he had to worry about was whether or not their mother was going to catch them doing something they shouldn't or not. A time when all the pressure he held now was far off in the distance.

Kili grew irritated with his barrage of questions, though one couldn't blame him. He glared at Fili with his muddy orbs, making it very clear what he though of the whole interrogation and Fili's dismissive ess of his own inquiries. The red blonde brute just looked back in an "well? Answer me." kind of way. He'd answer the questions when the raven boy answered his. Simple as that. He rolled his eyes at his twin's answers. There were a number of things he would've said to him on a normal day, but this was a good moment and he didn't want to ruin it with a stupid, childish arguement. He shook his head a little and looked back to the boy. "Technically, you didn't answer my question." he muttered just to be annoying. Some things just never changed. Irritating each other was one of them and even in this serious time he couldn't help but poke some fun at Kili. He doubted that the ebony brute would even bother answering the questions. So, as it seemed only fair, he told Kili what he had wanted to know.

He could feel the brute lift his head underneath him, flicking his ears and turning his gaze to Fili's. He nodded knowingly as he would do the same in his position. The twins... Were different than the others. Sure, there were sets of brothers, but not as close as these two. No one in their pack was as closed the twins. They tear up heaven and hell to find one another, travel the whole world to be together. Growing up with one another, protecting each other, had built an unbreakable bond between siblings who were bound to be close. Their mother had once told Fili that the moment Kili had been born had squirmed over to the younger boy and embraced him, nuzzled him and pushed him to nurse. He wasn't actually sure if that was true, but from then on, his mother said, they were inseparable. One thing he knew for sure, was that before his brother had been born, he had been squealing and wailing and writhing around like he was lost and kept moving the opposite direction from his mother like he was searching for something. Kili had been born screaming like a banshee and he too had squirmed. But in an instant they found each other and immeadiately all the crying stopped. They'd had a bond since birth and they would forever. No one else in the company was like that. They'd move on for the greater good if one was lost. Not these two. He gazed at the brute as he spoke, eyes filled with warmth. At the mention of Thorin however, he cast his gaze elsewhere, a small frown placing itself on his face. "Ya." he said unhappily. Kili might not find Thorin's temper all that bad and serious seeing as how he got angry a lot, but the older boy certainly did. Recently, every time he was upset, it seemed to be Fili's fault. He supposed it was though.

It wasn't like he'd asked Thorin to dump that ton of bricks on him. I mean, he always knew that day was coming, but he'd thought it would be in the very distant future not the very recent past. The past few months had not been fun. Thorin had broached the idea of a quest to the twins, who'd been eager of course, and had asked Fili, just Fili, to walk with him. It was odd, but he went with it and they'd walked along in silence, occasionally discussing some boring topic before it died down when WHAM! Thorin dropped the bomb. The "There's a chance I'm going to die sometime in the future and it might be during this quest so I need you to step up to the plate of being my heir to the throne, ok?" bomb. He'd phrased it as a question, but the brute didn't really have a choice. The past couple of months he'd been learning as much as he could from Thorin and finding out that almost everything their uncle had introduced them to as pups was to make them better rulers, hence why he often took special interest in the twins and Fili in particular. He had his eye on Kili too, but he was in line to rule only if his brother died. Fili'd never actually told Kili what Thorin had asked and after a while the black Titan had stopped pressing. He wasn't stupid, so he probably had some assumptions. Fili had lost some of his fun attitude and carefree actions. He'd grown up in a very short amount of time and he didn't realize how much he missed being a fun loving brother that went exploring with his little brother. But, as first born, responsibility and duty came first. Thorin had reprimanded him plenty of times on their quest for not making leader like decisions. This was definately one of them. As much as it upset Thorin to leave Kili, he did and claimed "You'll be king someday. You'll understand." He didn't want to be king if that meant abandoning the one who meant the most to him. But his uncle didn't see it that way. So while Thorin would be irritated by Kili, he'd be more angry with Fili for his "un-leaderlike" choice. Hell, it this point, he was probably angry enough to skin them both with just a glare. Fili shifted uncomfortable just thinking of the horrible encounter that would occur when they found the rest of the company. Another shouting match would ensue no doubt. It wasn't even that that he was worried about. It was the look of dissappointment in his uncle's eyes that killed him. He hated it when Thorin looked at him like that, but it seemed that no matter how hard he tried he just failed to do the right things. He didn't want to go back and see Thorin giving him that look again. "We could always just run home and get on with our lives." he muttered. It was a stupid idea, but why not? Thorin wasnt looking for them anyways. Kili murmured to him to rest and Fili looked down fondly at the resting brute. He was somewhat glad he didnt appear to have heard his idea of running away; he'd probably jump on the plan excitedly. But as much as they might want to go home, it just wasn't their destiny. As frustrating as it was, their destiny was to go with Thorin to the mountain and reclaim it, no matter the cost. Fili could feel his eyes grown heavy despite his attempts to keep them open and watchful. Kili was right: nothing would happen tonight.


He was a restless sleeper to begin with. Kili often complained about getting kicked in the head. But tonight it was much worse. He didn't wake up scared, just shocked and horrified. That night he'd dreamed with mythical dragons picking off his family one by one, leaving on him standing on a desolate hilltop. He watched as they tore apart the only people he truly loved and he did nothing. Of dreams were at all representional of fears, his was being powerless. The brute woke up away from his twin and he frantically looked around until he found him. The other was still sleeping. Morning light just barely started to light up the cave as he stepped out. A thick fog covered the mountain. The snow had almost completely turned to slush and Fili had a hard time being quiet as he made his way to the nearby forest. One last quick glance at the cave before he bounded into the woods to hunt. He felt bad leaving Kili unprotected and alone, but he was starving and he was sure the second born was too.

He didn't try to take down anything big; just a couple rabbits for the two of them. He wanted to get back as soon as possible. If he was lucky, Kili wouldn't even notice his absence. He trotted to the mouth of the cave and dropped the rabbits. "Wake up princess. The sun's almost up."


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