At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


the fallen king

Ebony appendages moved swiftly through the thick forest. It was dead silent, save for the dull pounding of his paws against the foliage-covered ground. The leaves and dirt beneath the pads of his feet were still wet from the light rain he'd been traveling through the night before. It had stopped, thankfully, those his shaggy coat was soaked down to his skin. However, Priam couldn't even begin to think about the rain, or the throbbing pain in his legs as a result from running as much as he did. His mind was filled with utter hatred. Who knows what happened to his pack? There was a fire which consumed the forest that he and his family once called home. Then came a long-lasting rain which ultimately put out the raging flames.

When the smoke cleared, his pack was nowhere to be seen. Not even his mate stuck around. No bodies were found -- if anyone had passed on, perhaps the fire had consumed the evidence.

Or, if Priam would even allow himself to think such thoughts, perhaps his pack had lost faith and left him. Impossible. Priam was a very able leader. He had always kept his pack alive and thriving. He eliminated the weak and praised the strong.

To lose his entire pack would not be very becoming of a king.

So, he ran. He ran in hopes of discovering where his family had gone. He ran in hopes of finding a new home to call his own, a new kingdom. And so far, Blossom Forest was great. The land was beautiful, vast, and full of all the prey he would ever need to keep himself fed. The only problem was all the other wolves. They were so.. Well, they definitely would not survive in his pack. They were weak, from what he could tell.

The thought was pushed quickly from his mind, his great paws skidding to a sudden halt when the forest finally cleared, exposing a small waterfall flowing down peaceful rocks. Soft pants escaped the demon's mouth, his tongue lolling to the side and auds perked as he looked curiously around.

Piercing yellow hues finally landed on an ivory canine standing near the flowing water. Priam's eyes narrowed as they looked the brute over, the fur on the back of his neck standing on end. There was something familiar about this lad, something that managed to crawl under his skin and cause him to shudder in annoyance.

He took a few steps closer, closer until the scent of the boy wafted to his nose. Rodan. The scent was so familiar, how could he forget his own son? He huffed out a silent laugh at the thought. He never thought of Rodan as his son. Rodan was his mate's son, sure, but never his. He wouldn't accept it.

How could Priam's pack be strong if he allowed something so different to live among them? No, it wasn't right. That was why he didn't protest at all when the snowy lad decided to leave. But now, here he was again, after all these years. The ebony brute was not about to let this opportunity pass up.

Perhaps Rodan even knew where the rest of his family was.

"What is this place called?" His rough vocals bolted out into the still air as he stood there, tall and proud, his tail standing stiff in the air to assert his dominance as he watched the boy by the water. His cranium tilted to the side, wondering if his spawn would recognize him.


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