During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.



x we're not going to heaven x

A clash of titans shook the sky; the forest hissed with the sound of rain pelting violently against dying leaves and naked bark. Every other living creature with sense had sought shelter, yet two wolves stood still as if their world had paused. For Vlad, it certainly seemed as if his idiot comment had made the entire kingdom stop and gasp in disgust. His ears flattened against his skull. If it weren’t for the shimmering deluge soaking his pelt flat, Vladya’s bone-colored fur would be bristling with horror. He wished he could say that what had escaped his mouth shocked him—but something that tactless and mean was to be expected. Classic tundra manners: blurt first and then gut your victim later, maybe after you’ve pissed on his mother. What the glacial gladiator wouldn’t do to banish those tears from her toffee-sweet eyes . . . he would have preferred having his damned tongue ripped out of his open mouth than spit anything else that might sneak into those silky ears and worm their way to that tender heart.

He knew Kobato well enough by now to catch the difference between a real smile and the pained thing she gave him now. The ice dragon swallowed a whimper; the guilt of biting the hand of his princess made his heart beat fast with panic. When had Vladya developed a conscience? When had he started to feel the consequences of his thoughtlessness like barbs hooked into his stomach? “It’s not all right,” Vlad barked immediately. Damn it, Kobato, I’m a piece of shit. Stop acting like the way I treat you—” Is fine, he wanted to finish, because that was the real problem, right? That this flawless bird had been given to him to hold, and the only thing Vladya knew how to do was crush and destroy and ruin. He felt as if he were made of jagged nails. Every effort he made would only gauge wounds into this precious, perfect flower. So he shut his mouth and held himself back from rushing to comfort Ko. Besides . . . it looked as if she had finally grasped at the light that would pull her thoughts from darkness.

Vladya groaned in loving defeat. Exhaustion trumped his previous horrified nervousness, and now shoulders that had carried a damsel sagged beneath an invisible weight. He forced his trademark bad temper into his coarse baritone voice. “Don’t be a fool. Like I care about what other people think. You shouldn't focus on pointless things.” Take care of yourself! Stop worrying about me! Glaring pyrite eyes wandered awkwardly off to the side. Should he go back to her now? Was the conversation over? Oh gods, it was so quiet. If only he could dig himself a hole and never leave—

“What do you wish for the most, Vladya?”

Her question caught him off guard—as so many of her innocent questions did. The pallid monster’s windows opened so wide that the lurid red spot in his left eye glimmered like a spot of fresh blood. Rivulets of rain trickled down his frozen-shut maw and dripped rhythmically from his chin. Luckily his dainty fairy rescued him from an instant response—and her earnest desires greeted him with breathtaking purity.

A Queen . . . If there was anybody more suited for a throne, it was this compassionate angel. Kobato struck him speechless with her absolute honesty. The depth of her love-bright heart. Although a wave of embarrassed heat flushed Vladya’s skin when she mentioned motherhood without missing a beat, his hard metallic portals softened as he watched her speak. And Vlad could only grin with pride when Ko promised to stare down their shared nightmare as soon as she reached her dream. Kershov better watch his tail. Maybe this was the perfect moment to get Kobato out of the rain and into a den somewhere; Serris could eat his damn heart out. Vladya leaned forward to tread closer, but halted when Kobato brought her speech full circle. He felt the spotlight of her attention beaming down on him like a single shard of sunlight cutting through the storm. Abruptly all the white dog wanted to do was run into the woods and hide.

He had to answer her. He sensed that she desperately needed this candor from him, that the future of whatever they could be hinged on this single crucial conversation. HOW THE FUCK SHOULD REPLY? Vladya fervently wished he’d been born a prince: equipped with a silver tongue and all the right words. What did he wish for? He had never really wished for anything except another day to live—because he’d never been given the luxury of dreaming about something. Each time he felt a fragile sprout of hope unfurl inside of him, Fate had been sure to crush it without mercy. No: you can’t have that. No: you’re not allowed. No. NO. There had to be a beautiful way to put his feelings into words, yet Vladya struggled to invent a sentence. How shameful that a beast so fearless in battle was such a coward in affection.

Time ticked by, counted by flashes of lightning as electricity arced through the clouds. “I . . . I want . . . to get better.” Vladya spoke the words haltingly, like a pup tottering through its first steps. He couldn’t meet Kobato’s serene gaze. Elaborate, you idiot! Tell her what you mean! “I don’t want to be the way I am anymore. I want to be better . . . for you . . .” Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck. “This . . . ‘together’ thing? I’m not good at it. I’m not nice or considerate like you are. And I used to not care. But . . . I don’t want to be a jerk for the rest of my life. I want to be like you. I want . . . to be with you. Because you’re good. And you inspire me to be the same way.” A humiliated growl rumbled up from his guts. “There. I said it.”

x so why not raise a little hell? x

【Banished from Abendrot – Soothed by Kobato – Allied to None – Without a Tie – LSVK】


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