During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


What Is Dead May Never Die


The brute was not new to pack meetings, and though the last few he had attended he had been in a different position, it was something that was familiar and thus comforting to him. Even though this pack was still new to him, the way that packs worked was not. It was easy to answer the call from the alphess, to go back into the easy role of Omega and to introduce himself and pledge loyalty to his new queen. It made things easier to know that even though he was still new to this pack, and he was not yet as comfortable with these lupines as he had been with the ones in Bright Moon, at least pack meetings were something that he knew how to do. He knew what was expected of him, and it was something that he could easily do. Summer was glad to see that Nzignha was already there, and he silently greeted her before addressing Ameria, the queen he had yet to meet. The next varg to arrive was another female that he knew, Karla. He was happy to see that another member from his old family had come here to make a new home. It was comforting to be surrounded by wolves that he already trusted.

The three legged wolf addressed Ameria before sitting down beside him. Summer gave her a warm smile in greeting, hoping that her transition to the new pack had been an easy one. ”It is good to see you here, Karla.” His attention drifted away from the female for a moment as another familiar face joined the group, Danger. The brute knew that Danger and his daughter had been spending a lot of time together, and he was glad that she had a friend to spend her time with. The blind varg spoke his name in greeting to the group, not being one that spoke up much in the beginning from Summer’s experience with him, but he came and joined the group that had formerly been in Bright Moon. His form stood by Summer and Karla, and the smoky colored brute reached his plume over to gently touch the other male in greeting, knowing this his unseeing eyes would not see a smile if he were to give one, but his vocals would reach the audettes of the male. ”Hello Danger. I hope that you have been settling into our new home well.”

Sumer’s attention was then fully directly to his new queen, listening carefully as she greeted the new wolves that she had not met and then spoke about the new leadership situation. “You assume correctly, Summer, and it is nice to meet you as well. I accept your loyalty, and understand truly how difficult this all must be for you. Your expertise is noted and welcomed.” His yellow orbs met her uniquely colored lilac ones and he gave her a warm smile, appreciating the welcoming words. ”Thank you, Ameria. I will do my best to help this pack in any ways that I can.” She had greeted each wolf in turn as they joined the group, and her form was open and friendly. The more time that Summer spent here the more he was sure that they had made the right choice in joining this pack. She then addressed the group as a whole, describing the situation about the other male that was standing before the group. “I want to thank all of you for coming. I am sure you have questions, which the two of us will address. This is Blood Titan, the laird who recently challenged me. While there, we had a discussion and came to the agreement that he will be taking over the pack.” She paused, sure that some of them would have something to say. “I will stay in my position of Alphess, but he will be the main power. He has more experience in such matters of politics and war, and is the best option for the pack. I am here to care for you all as I have been… believe me when I say that this is the best option for the pack, and that our future is all the brighter for including him. But please be open and tell us your thoughts… this pack will not succeed without all of you as well.”

Summer thought this was an interesting set up. He had been lucky enough to never be challenged for his position, but he was not sure what he would have done if he was put in that positon. He knew that he would have fought to the death for his pack, but letting a challenger rule with him, and even being put in charge above him, that was something he was not sure he would have been able to do. He respected Ameria’s words though. She was not too proud to admit that this Blood Titan had more experience than she did, and that he could help out the pack. Very few wolves out there would be able to admit such a thing. Horizon was the first one to speak up after the alphess’ words. “Ameira, I will respect your word, but—Understand I will not follow you without knowing you. I know naught of your intentions and I can only take heart to my Queen’s words that you intend to do what you have said. I will have an open mind to your leadership but until it’s earned you will not have my trust.” The kalak’s words addressed not only Ameria, but also the new alpha. Summer knew that Horizon had been here longer, and he understood where he was coming from. Summer, on the other hand, was just as new to Ameria as he was to Blood Titan. He had pledged loyalty to the female, so surely he could do the same thing for the brute. The male’s yellow orbs turned from the female, to the male who had still been silent up to this point. ”Blood Titan, I am still new to this pack and have only just given my loyalties to Ameria. I give the same pledge to you, that I will be loyal to this pack and will do all I can to help keep it a safe home for those within.” The male had done his part for the pack, pledged loyalties to the alphas. But loyalty and trust were different things. He was loyal to this pack, those words were not a lie, but that did not mean that he trusted the vargs within it entirely. His trust still was within those he already knew, but with time, he hoped the same trust would be given to the rest of the Munashii Gekko lupines.

||Summer||Lovers||Munashii Gekko||Adult||Father Figure to Nzingha||Violet||
Picture&Table Credit to Alesana


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