Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"


black.widow.spider [ Grey Wind, pups, open ]


'Yes, thank you Thackeray. How do you feel love?'

Grey's question was an interesting one - because for most, they would feel agony, pain. After turning into a vampire, if they were lucky enough to have the agonal biological changes already fading, they would still feel the dull residuals, leaving them irritated and exhausted. But pain was the one thing that could never again plague her… Or so she had thought. Today had been the day that she had learned of emotional pain, which had left her feeling so raw and vulnerable inside. For she had realized that now that she was a mother, and her life was no longer her own. Perhaps it was slightly similar before the pups - she did have Grey Wind to live for after all. But she knew that if she died, Grey would be able to move on eventually. It would change him, but he was a survivor. For now at least, these pups needed her, and would rely on her. For the first few weeks of life, they would be unable to live without the support of her milk gushing through their systems. And even when they were older and could eat meat, her death would damage them forever, and change the very character of their soul. And so, though she had not feared death since that fateful day when she had killed Roheryn, and claimed the title a vampire, she feared it now, interestingly enough when she had actually turned into one.

"I am… Hungry. Hungry and tired."

If she thought she had been a ravenous beast before - both sexually and appetite wise - she was wrong. The hunger that stole over her now was ten times as strong. Before, she had enjoyed the taste of wolves, had preferred it. But now, the blood of wolves and other Putnar would be all that she could eat physiologically. Not out of choice, but now necessity, she was now essentially a cannibal. Now and forever. Her gaze shifted to the tiny pups at her teats. A sudden wave of maternal instinct surged over her, and she had to fight back the growl that threatened to pull from her mouth and she realized two males were near her offspring. In her heart, wherever that now laid, she knew that neither would hurt them. It didn’t stop her from having the desire to rip out their throats from being too close though.

"I will be fine though, my love. I know the… The basics of it all." She turned her attention to Thackeray and she dipped her head to him. "My friend, I am in your debt. You saved my life, and saved my children from having to grow up motherless, and saved my mate from a broken heart. If ever you have need, know that I will help you. Once I am recovered from this whole… Transformation, I shall seek you out. I remember from our conversation that there are a few peculiarities to know about. I’ll survive until then, but I do need to know all of the rules now that my life has changed." She had to feed, she could feel it coursing through her, the ghrelin calling for sustenance. But it would have to wait, for she was too tired to hunt now. Somehow, she knew that the night was no longer young, that the sun was just beyond the horizon. Her lids trembled and she slowly begin to sink into a dream, but as she did so, she pulled her pups close…


When she woke, Thackary was gone. For a moment, she wondered if it all had been a dream… But a second later, the gut wrenching hunger had returned and even her own pups smelled like a delicious opportunity for prey, for a meal. At the thought of it, she felt her canines beginning to elongate and extend, and she shook her head in abhorrence - the thought of eating one of her own was grotesque. And it worried her… If she could not find a reliable way to feed, how then would she be able to resist her own? Yes, she had given up her life of polygamy, her sexual deviation, her cannibalism for them… But wouldn’t she now be dipping her toe back into that very pool? After all… The only thing she could feed on now were predators… And here in Blossom Forest, the most common creature that filled that criteria was in fact a wolf. But she knew that at least for today, she would be fine. The hunger was strong, yes, but it wasn’t overwhelming. It was almost like an instinct, and instincts could be overridden with enough meticulous training. She set about clenching her jaw and pushed it to the back of her mind - for at least today, she would focus on the fact that she was now a mother, and not on the fact that she was a vampire. Only… She was a vampire, and since it was day, she could not leave the den. Macaria sighed and laid her head back over her pups, trying to sleep again until nightfall…


The days turned into weeks, and she had begun to get better at controlling her hunger. Mainly, it was her pups that managed to distract her. They filled her heart with love in a she had not thought possible. Her reason for being a mother, for wanting to bear pups, was simple and selfish. She wanted to be better than her mother ever was. She didn’t want to be a failure of a parental figure, leaving offspring feeling unwanted, abandoned. Macaria had figured that she would do her pups their due diligence, and then go about her life. But now that she actually had them, she realized that that was not the case - she truly loved them, was obsessed with them, and would never let them out of her sight. She doted on them endlessly… And today was the day - she had seen the signs yesterday, with them starting to react to noise and such, but she could feel it. Today was the day that their eyes would open wide to permit them to start to see and hear the world. Or rather, today was the night. Tonight was the night. It was semantics, but was something that she had started to get used to. She had forced Grey to become like her - mainly nocturnal. And the two had been absent from pack life recently. But now, they would finally get to truly and fully interact with their pups… And then soon after they could tell Kershov, both of their pups and of Macaria‘s turning. Had Kershov even heard about vampires yet? Gently, Macaria nuzzled her pups, rousing them, before placing a kiss on Grey Wind's snout.

"Wake up my darlings, all of you. The moon is high in the sky, and our time is drawing near."

She couldn't wait to hear what they sounded like... or to see what color eyes they would have.


||Macaria||Femme Fatale of Uyaraut||Vampiress||Grey Wind||Evandros, Kiora, Missandei, Ronan||

Table Credit to Morgin <3


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