Romance is in the air...this is probably the most beautiful and scenic place in Blossom Forest. For the athletic and determined to come with their mates, for time away from pups. Only adults may come here; some of the ledges are too far apart for teens or pups to cross and some too high to scale.


Nothing that Occurs in Nature can be Unnatural (Diosa)

My Philosophy is That Worrying Means You Suffer Twice


After all of the death that the young male had recently encountered he did not imagine that he could be happy again. But just getting away from everything around him, all the others that were in despair and in mourning, had helped a little. Some found comfort in being around others, but Scamander had never been that way. Being around too many vargs made him uncomfortable and often nervous. So he took the chance to flee and to get away from the group, just for a little while. He knew that Vladimir would worry about him if he was gone, but he just needed the time to himself for now. Letting emerald green stilts run through the trees, he was already feeling a bit better with the wind rushing through his pelt and the scent of nature surrounding him. He had always loved being surrounded by the trees and brush, and a small smile began to form on his kissers. When he came to a meadow of flowers, he took no time to rush into the sweetly scented plants and roll about, limbs flailing at all angles as he let out a soft giggle.

Scamander didn’t realize that all of the happiness he had felt was about to leave him though. He felt the form of another tangle up in his weirdly flailing limbs, followed by a loud thump as whoever it was fell to the ground. Purple and yellow audettes perked as he lifted his multi-hued purple cranium to see who it was that had stumbled into him. And that was when pure terror filled the young Arcus Irae. Scamander had not realized how long he had been away from the group, and purple and yellow orbs saw that it was indeed night now, which would explain why this creature was out and about. He had heard all kinds of horror stories about vampires, and how they longed to find his kind and feed from them. And now he was face to face with one, and without his Oferwender. Why did he think it was okay to leave the group and go out on his own? It had been stupid really, and now he was just going to be one more dead rainbow to add to their numbers that had already died. His eyes grew wide as he took in the site of the female. She was not full grown either, but she was still bigger than him. And he definitely stood no chance whenever she chose to attack. His pulse quickened and it was hard to breathe as he sat there, frozen with fear. Then the female was leaning towards his throat, and all he could think about was those sharp teeth that would be forming, ready to suck the life out of him. His breath stopped when he felt her nares touch the yellow scarf on his neck, his form stiff but still shaking with fear, closing his eyes tight to try and make it end faster.

The male opened his orbs a squint when he heard her speak, surprised at her words. Why did she scare if he was okay if she was just going to kill him anyways? Scamander wasn’t sure how to reply, his eyes flickered to the side, seeing if there was a way to escape, but she was too close to him. He would never make it. With a whimper, the male forced his vocals to work, barely stuttering out two words. He couldn’t make the fear go away, but he was confused about what was going on. The vampire went on to speak, in a pleading voice, that she meant him no harm. That she was different. Could this really be the case? Or was it just a trick for him to let his guard down and not put up a fight when she came after him? His instincts still told him to run and to get away from her, but there was something else within him, the curious side of him, that wanted to know why she claimed to be different? Purple and yellow orbs opened fully to look at her, confusion clearly on his face as she went on to ask if he truly was okay, and if he was lost. Did she want him to be lost so that there would be no one around to hear him cry for help? Or did she really want to help him get home. But he couldn’t get himself to speak, all he could do was stare and gape at her at the fact that he was still alive and not bleeding out. “Oh lord, where are my manners… jeez, I’m sorry, my name is Diosa. What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking?” The young brute couldn’t keep staring at her when she kept asking him questions, he had to say something…or do something.

”Um…my name’s…my name is Scamander.” The Arcus Irae wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that he was still here, but maybe it meant that what she was telling him was true. But he couldn’t get rid of the idea that it was a trick. ”Yes, I’m fine. Um…no I’m not lost. I was just…exploring. But Vladimir is coming, so I…um…have to go and find him…or he’ll worry.” The brute began stammering, hoping that the lie about the tempest would be enough to let him get away. Before he could think about it too much, Scamander turned and fled, running into the trees and trying to put as much distance between himself and the vampire as he could.

The days turned into months as the Arcus Irae began to familiarize himself more with the world. He was no longer a small pup, but had aged to a teen. He was by no means full grown, still small and awkward as he grew into his form. But he was less awkward than when he had been a pup. It still hurt to think about all the wolves that he had lost in his life, but he had learned how to cope with it. Emerald green stilts carried the male through the trees as he took some time to himself. He was not like all of his rainbow friends. Most of them were social butterflies, and he often needed to be alone. It was exhausting for him to be around others for long periods of time, but some time to himself in the trees always made him feel better. Scamander let his thoughts wander as he wandered aimlessly through the thick area of trees. He was content where he was, the autumn air cool but not too cold as he wandered. There were plenty of other creatures here as well, squirrels and chipmunks scampering up and down the trees, birds plentiful in the air, singing their songs. It was a happy place for him, one that he enjoyed coming to often and knew would become an important part of his life within Blossom.


Picture credit to the incredibly talented Pompeii!


**Scamander**Arcus Irae Titan**Pup **Protected by Vladimir**Violet**


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