At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


The slave’s own mind

Laenaya Suten had always been a sweet lass - she had been the pup who had never cried unless it was for something worth crying over, such as being hurt or injured. She had been the one out of her litter to never complain, to never argue with her parents. She had obeyed their rules and laws, and when she had come of age, she had held off on having pups of her own so that she could take care of her parents‘ next litter - her own siblings. And for those siblings, she cared for them like a parent would care for their own offspring. She was not a wolf who had come from a pack per se, but rather a family group - it was made up of only her siblings and her parents, essentially just her immediately family and no one else. It made life simple - there was one way for them to be, and that was it. There were a few choices for her to make, other than what to hunt for prey, which pup to be the first to groom, who to feed first. But that all changed when one of her siblings had decided to challenge their father for the position of Alpha. Although, that was not quite the right term - as said, they were a family unit more than a pack… No, what her brother challenged her father for was the right to mate. Laenaya was not like her brother - because she already had pups to care for, she had never felt the urge to find a mate of her own or to create offspring of her own. After all, these pups were related to her anyway, and would inevitably contribute to her bloodline’s legacy. But her brother had a more adventurous spirit and had explored the world until he found one he was in love with… And he wanted for the pair of them pups of their own… And in their parents‘ land for it was rich and prosperous. Her father lost the battle, and lost his position as patriarch. And somehow, that had resulted in Laenaya being expelled from the family unit. It was not that she wanted to leave - she loved her brother and would have stayed and cared for his pups just as she had for her parents‘. But every time she saw her brother‘s face, she saw her father‘s dying moments of agony and regret, it was too much for her to bear. So she left, and somehow wound up here, hoping for a better life, perhaps hoping for a chance to find her own soulmate, someone who with whom she would actually desire pups.

But fate was not a kind mistress, she a cruel one. She had been found by a monster, one who immediately told her what to do and she found herself following his orders for no other reason than because it was what he demanded. Confusion swept through her mind, muddling it, and yet she continued to run at his side despite it, over bushes and under briars, and through swamps until they came upon a great battle. She had no desire to see more death - her own father‘s had been enough for her for her lifetime. And yet as she saw two wolves attack the one who commanded her, she felt her body moving without her consent towards the fray, and despite the waterfall of saltine drops pouring from her orbits, her mouth was agape, her teeth ready to puncture flesh and tear muscle. She turned, then looked at the female nearest to her, the one named Adara, although Laenaya would never learn of it. And without being able to stop herself, her mouth aimed for the female‘s rump, aiming to hit the sweet spot right by the sciatic nerve, her jaw seeking to wrap around on either side of the thigh so that she would entirely surround the back of the thigh. She would rip that back, viciously, hoping to tear muscle if she managed to hit her mark, but once her head had reared back, a word of apology would fall from her lips.

I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry!

But before she knew what was happening, she was leaping at the female again, trying to clamp her teeth around the female’s right hock - the rear leg she had not hit yet. She found her body looking to break bone and splinter joints.... and she hated herself for it.


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