Ruieze Fields

Open fields and soft grass...
Ruieze stretches far in the midlands of Moladion, laced with streams that feed into Diveen and out of Asteraia at times. The fields are vast, filled with wildflowers and tall, soft grass; trees are sparse, as are rocks, but one can find small shrubs to hide amongst, and the grass itself. To the south of the fields, a Ruieze River widens, and the ground becomes sandy. There is a small, grassy island that can be reached from the banks, with water-birds often congregating on the island rather than the riverbanks.

Return to Lunar Children

Without a Sound.

Kajika spent most of his days in his own company lately. He had tried to see if he could find Mohegan back in Taviora. Or maybe even one of his young siblings, but he wasn't so lucky that time. So, he returned to the plains kept to himself. He tracked the endemic creatures of the pack, learning their patterns and other such things. There were several of Asteraia who had different preferences, but he didn't really mind once he realized it was something that wouldn't change. The brindle and white male personally would never partake in such a meal, but neither would he follow and risk stopping a pack mate on a special hunt.

The dual colored wolf also knew that they ate other things to keep their belly full as there were not wolf carcasses everywhere. So, he knew it was still possible he might lead a more traditional hunt with his pack mates. He had hoped to do so in the spring, but other things had taken precedence. When he returned to Asteraia, he would approach the Pharaoh. No doubt she would allow him such a thing now that he was drawing closer towards his fourth year.

His ears twitched slightly. The tall grasses masked his presence for the most part. The chilling winds warned for a cold fall season. A soft hmm escaped him as he moved through Ruieze Fields. He missed the trees sometimes, but there was something different to the openness of the fields and Asteraia. Kajika was comfortable, but never complacent. As a result, he'd found the perfect afternoon to prowl the fields and determine what he might track when the time came to lead the pack on a hunt.


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