Lullaby of the Crucified - " />

A wide river dominates this section of the forest. Romance is in the air, and wolves of all ages come to search for their mate.


Lullaby of the Crucified

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a vexatious kiss

A small piece of the Vampiress’ heart had been returned to her, a single fragment that seemed miniscule in comparison to the shattered puzzle around it. It was like a single candle flame that flickered bravely against the fathomless cavern of her chest, but within that little flare there was reignited passion, love and wholeness. Rogan had gifted her the ability to begin putting the puzzle back together, by giving her a place to call home. And more than that it was her first home that she been able to return to, all thanks to her saidu. Diosa knew that without a doubt that until that moment there had never been a happier memory in her life. And it had been the first in a very long time and hopefully one of many to come to her. They were getting the chance to rebuild their home, because this was no longer just her Kingdom, Rogan had as many rights to it as she. She could not hold the title of Vampire Queen without a Kingdom. And Rogan had just handed it back to her. And in her eyes, this made Rogan a King. A King to stand with her as Queen.

A force solidified by their vampiric bond as Sweoster & Saidu.

Diosa without a doubt loved Rogan. She wanted dearly to give him all the world and repay him for all that he’d ever given to her. His infatuation with gifting her desires had been initially tied into the fact that his bondage to her demanded it, but after a while it seemed more genuine. Rogan had followed Diosa in battle without question to defend her and more importantly he had stayed at his side afterwards. Guarding her, helping clean wounds and fetching whatever herbs she needed. Khaleesi had thankfully taught Diosa enough about healing that she was able to mend herself, albeit slowly. Rogan’s attentiveness to her had been the only thing that kept the vampiress from completely losing herself and ending her life by falling off the brink of starvation. She held onto a thread of his life to keep her own. And eventually she was able to wander away from Rogan and be alone without him fearing she might not return, but for a very twisted reason. Diosa had begun to torture herself mentally because she knew that death was her easiest escape, but by forcing herself to exist in this state and body she was punishing herself more. Diosa knew how weak she must’ve looked to him, but he never mentioned a word of it to her. He did not comment on her disheveled appearance, loss of appetite, or the emotional reel that constantly flickered beneath her stone-cold façade. Of all things even at her lowest point Diosa never let herself outright attack Rogan or even blame him for a bit of her own life. She knew that he deserved nothing but the best for all that he had done and though her “best” was hardly anything at all Diosa wanted to repay him somehow, someday. This love she felt was not romantic, but rather she Rogan as a brother. A blood brother, who through thick and thin had stuck by her side. But before Diosa could begin to give back to Rogan she had to first address herself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

And the physical part would be the easiest to fix as a starter.

Upon be welcomed back into Caidir Olc, Diosa had immediately taken the chance to go and look at the den she had once called home. The overturned root ball was still sturdily set into the hillside and roots stuck out at odd angles creating the overhang at the entrance of her den. The wisteria vines still clung heartily to the roots and dangled from their tips. The wind caressed their blooms and the loose vines swayed gently in waves. Moss had overgrown from within and the slope was slick with its growth. The Queen clawed her way to the entrance but scented that another creature had overtaken the den in her absence. Fate had decided for her that a fresh start would also include a new den. So, she had wandered off into the depths of her pack to look for a new place to lay her head at night. Eventually she came across a small cavern that seemed uninhabited, so she took the liberty of cleaning it out before dragging in bedding made up on moss with a pine straw base. She rinsed off in creek before returning to her newly made bed and curling up. Where she drifted off to sleep…

Thick tendrils of fog danced and weaved through the densely packed forest, and the midnight painted she-wolf seemed to float effortlessly with them. A soft crimson aura hung around her as she wandered about, though she suddenly found herself drawn to a particular place in the woodlands. As she approached, a feeling of serenity settled over her, but a thousand colors seemed to blend together in her vision. Instead of the greyscale world she had always seen the world in. The muted hues of the night were suddenly lit and vibrant once more. The lady crept forward warily, not understanding why or what was happening to her, but she heard two voices echoing from within the grove where she was headed. Inside was a pair of wolves, most surprisingly Diosa recognized herself sitting with Scamander. His effervescent colors and aura blanketing the arena, while her own little body emitted a palate of greys, blacks, and reds. She knew instantly what was about to happen and a pit dropped in her stomach… she remembered how regretful she had felt after this moment.

Harsh, biting words lashed out at the boy, but it fell short of hurtful because in reality she was begging him to understand her like no one else would or could. A softly uttered apology had reached her ears but the motion of his body had startled her, because he did what she had least expected. He moved in closer… And Diosa had panicked. Startled and scared the girl had rushed to her paws, stammering unintelligible sounds. Instead of him running away from the sight of her, she was running away from herself and the possibility of someone actually understanding her. Backpedaling away from him she had turned and fled the scene and now she chased herself through the woods. She screamed at the memory of herself to turn around… he had given her a chance she had thrown it right back in his face!

The vampiress started awake, her chest heaving from her exhaustive effort to right a wrong she could never fix… Her eyes burned brightly against the darkness of the den. The illumination cast an eerie glow across the floor and the faint scuffs of her claws against the stone. As she stared at the marks it occurred to her that maybe she could indeed change the outcome. And so, emboldened by her new found hope and courage the Queen took leave of her den and went out in search of that rainbow ensconced male she had dearly wanted to get to know. Diosa raced through the dimly lit terra of Caidir headed for a place more welcoming place. One she thought she might be given the chance to run into Scamander – Glaesfaet Sceawere. The river and creeks that flowed plentifully were said to be fed by the great lake that resided in Dierne Hrof which is where all the rainbows were cloistered away. Or at least that was the theory considering all Tempests called that place their home. The word made a violent shiver run down her spine, but Diosa reminded herself that this was not her purpose for leaving Caidir. She was trying to find Scamander… Diosa found a small clearing next to a crystalline pool where she finally loosed a howl. She did not known if he would recognize her voice, but she was giving him a decision regardless. But it suddenly occurred to her that she had no idea what she wanted to sat to him other than sorry… Or would he even show? She was not guaranteed anything and that resounding joy and determination was starting to wane. She was doing what was right, right?

a bittersweet abyss

||Diosa||Lucaya’s Blood||Caidir Olc||Adolescent||Vampiric Princess||Alesana||

METALHEAD Productions


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