Re(2): mountain lion sighting in Franklin County IP: Posted on November 2, 2013 at 03:25:36 AM by cls
Hi, I am responding to the question about my sighting on Sept. 17, 2013. I had a clear side profile view. The head was a very chisled almost delicate cat head that seemed proportionately smaller than that of a domestic cat. When it turned its head to look at me the face was a bit wider than a domestic cat. The color was a fairly consistent reddish chestnut color. I couldn't see if there was a color change on the legs as the cat was facing directly west and the sun was streaming through the trees onto the dirt road where the cat was standing. As far as height, I went to the spot the next day and stood my 20" Australian Cattle Dog in the same place, stood back the same distance from my sighting and concluded that the animal I saw was definately taller and longer than my dog. It (the cat) was proportionally a little longer in the back, the back legs seemed a little longer than the fronts (but it did crouch a little when I stopped my truck), but the most telling part was the long tail that appeared to have a darker color on the last portion. The cat's legs seemed a little thick but I don't know if that was "bone" or fur.
I spend a lot of time out in the woods and have crossed paths with everything else that wanders around here and I have never seen anything like this, and I feel positive that I saw a mountain lion. Unfortunately I could not get my cell phone out of my pocket in time to take a picture. I will keep it in a place that is easier to reach from now on. Replies: