Re(2): Michigan DNR arrests two suspects for killing cougar on the Upper Peninsula

Well they should be protected, USFW isn't moving toward that goal however... If DNA is the only way to be sure of subspecies, IF there is one, no way to tell until the cat is shot or killed. This goes back far more than a "few years" however, there have been reliable reports for decades, including here in New England. Problem is, there were not a lot of cameras or other means to get the sacred impossible to get "confirmation". Tracks and kill sites were all there was. The bar has been raised over the years as to what is considered a "confirmation". To say these are only wandering males is only a theory as well. The evidence is there that there is at least 20 in the upper peninsula of Michigan. They criticized the Michigan Nature Conservancy when they said they were even there! Now they have proof and now its only "wandering males". Well lets see proof they are only males. These statements are thrown out to try to justify or temper earlier claims that have now been found to be false. Its like the Milford CT. cat hit on the highway, the IMMEDIATE response is that "we are investigating it as an escaped pet". It is ASSUMED it is. So statements can be made and considered fact like that, without the level of proof needed to show its a cougar? Watch carefully over the next few months. Evidence collected in Southern New England is going to be posted on the sites that is currently being collected. They have already now changed the story in Mass and VT to "There are cougars, but they are only passing through", a big leap from "There are none here". I have to give them credit, they will have less mud on face when the real story comes out. This bit about them being "outside animals wandering in" is only a theory. The past evidence and reports suggests otherwise. There are more of them than any proof that there was a subspecies called "eastern cougar". Protect them all!!


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