large cat sighting IP: Posted on December 18, 2014 at 01:17:57 PM by mark mckenna
We live in Boxborough, MA surrounded by farm/conservation land having had many opportunities to observe much of what the state of MA has to offer in regards to wildlife but this past weekend we were taken very much by surprise when we spotted a very large cat walking the fence line of a back pasture which is the home for a decent sized herd of black angus cattle.......all of which were very much aware of the cat's presence. We were able to observe the cat for a good half hour with the naked eye and through binoculars but was too far away to even attempt a photograph. In my estimation and I absolutely could be wrong, this cat appeared too large to be a bobcat, didn't have the coloration, coat of fur or face of a bobcat so we were leaning toward mountain lion. This cat did have a tail by the way, can't be sure of length as the cat was continually walking away from us but didn't look short/stubby like I would associate with a bobcat. After talking with the land owner, we were told that the day we sighted the large cat it was also seen by another neighbor who referred to the cat as a mountain lion and a few weeks prior on an abutting street I was told yet another neighbor had the same experience with the same reference as " mountain Lion ". Whatever it was.......mountain lion or was awesome and will be on the lookout for another. This weekend, in the light of day, at MA Fish and Game's suggestion, I'll try and re-trace the cat's footsteps in an attempt to photograph his tracks and possibly set up a game camera. Wish me luck........anyway that was my holiday excitement !!........Happy Holidays !! Replies: