Re(8): Summary of the facts in New England

Well we FOIA'd the DNA reports from CT DEP. They make interesting reading. Don't forget we have the Matanuck confirmation, which is a class 1 confirmation, with Rhode Island DEM still saying one hasn't been confirmed since the 1850s. We have also had some strange incidents with reported road kills where the animals disappeared. One of the witnesses of one of these incidents has a PhD in wildlife biology, and is an MD. He came to New England from California.He saw a road kill cougar and reported it to us. A couple of other witnesses did as well. We called the police in that town, and they indeed confirmed they had gone out to a reported mountain lion kill, but had turned the incident over to their animal control. The animal control was contacted, and denied anything at all had happened. Nothing ever happened. You can't make this stuff up.


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