Rhode Island Sightings IP: Posted on October 17, 2015 at 00:55:47 AM by Jeff
This isn't a new or recent incident, but just coming across this site I feel it important to report regardless. Going back about 20 years ago I used to live in a heavily wooded area of Rhode Island in the town of Gloester in the northwest corner of the state. At the time we were friendly with the head of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. He had relayed to us how a mountain lion was hit on a major highway in the town despite the fact the department denied their existence. About a year after that around 4am getting ready for work, I looked out the window to witness what was unmistakably a mountain lion passing under our spot light in the driveway. These are just two personal accounts I can relate for Rhode Island. I hope that helps with this sites efforts. Replies: