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Re(1): Re: Ban AR-15

When listening to a gun debate on CNN this morning, I heard the pro-gun proponent say that there are 308 million guns out there in our country, and that the government would have to confiscate all of these guns in order stop gun violence.
That might be true, but the point of banning all AR-15-type guns is not to eliminate gun violence--but to cut down on gun violence.

In this regard, I am reminded of the Australian example, which I think has been brought up before on our website.
Back in 1996, after a shooter slaughtered thirty five individuals with an AR-15, the Australian government banned the sale of all semi-automatic rifles and instituted a generous buy-back program to try to get the existing AR-15's off the street.
The below-linked article points out that the number of mass killings in Australia has gone from thirteen prior to the AR-15 ban down to zero in the years after the gun ban.

The Australian Example.


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